Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

*MESSAGE FROM AZ0 HEADQUARTERS: CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. PLEASE VERIFY YOURSELF.* I pressed my finger to the phone screen and watched as a message decoded. 'Agent 194: Styles, Harry. You have been assigned to a new target; Donald Nicholson.' A picture of a middle aged man showed up, as well as a picture of what I assumed to be his house and address. 'Your mission is to get all information about Labcorps' location and their allies. Use any means possible and dispose of Nicholson when your task is completed. Report to your target immediately; do not fail.' My head was pounding from last night. I looked at the time: 4:03 AM. There was no way I could fail this mission. Not only because my ass was on the line but I would not lose to Black again. I set my car to Nicholson's address and smoothly drove through the empty streets. I stopped in front of the house in the picture and felt my adrenaline spike.

It was the model house: pristine sparkling windows, perfectly mowed lawn, shining sports cars in the driveway. Lights welcomed me from inside, with it's glow in the dark early morning. I got out of the car, pulling a duffel bag over my shoulder, and straightened my black suit. I quickly made my way across the grass and around the house to find the back door. I put my hand in my pocket and found my Swiss army knife. AZ0 gives it to all their agents for times like this. It was specialized with every gadget you'd ever need, including something to pick a lock. Shoving it into the lock, I wiggled and turned it several times before finally succeeding in opening the door. I slipped through and locked the door behind me, I was in a kitchen. I could hear someone walking around upstairs as I walked across the marble flooring.

I walked to the foyer and then up the stairs until I found the room with lights on. I saw the short, stalky blonde man fumbling around the room shoving clothes into a suitcase. His back was turned to the door, I nimbly snuck in, flipping my knife out. In one swift motion, I swung my arm around his neck, pushing the knife against the thin pale skin. I pulled him back and laughed, "Somewhere to be?" He struggled to speak as I continued, "You seem to be in a rush to go away. Why don't we sit down and relax, I'm sure wherever you plan to go can wait." I smirked as I pushed him to the other side of the room, roughly shoving him into a chair next to a desk. I pulled the black bag off my shoulder, unzipping it to get out the rope. "Move and I'll cut a finger off, Nicholson," I threatened. I kept the knife on his inner thigh as I wrapped his legs and waist with the rope. I tied one hand down as well and left the other free.

"You look scared, but you don't look surprised. You were expecting me, weren't you?" I asked, moving the knife to press under his jaw as he glared but did not reply. "So, Nicholson, you work for Labcorps, don't you?" He again, did not reply. I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth a couple of times, before smiling again. "I'll ask you again, you work for Labcorps, do you not? Oh, and before you answer, consider the outcome of not answering." I smirked waiting for him to give in and answer. Instead, he spat on my shoe and stared at me in disgust. I felt anger surge in me as I grabbed a fistful of hair and slammed his head straight down onto the desk in front of him. I heard a satisfying crunch and lifted his head back up to see blood leaking from his crooked nose. I paced across the room, "Your little act of defiance was amusing," I pointed at him. "But I'm not here to play games. So, here's what you're gonna do: you're gonna tell me what I need to know or I'm gonna knock you out right now and when you wake up it will be far worse than this," I walked toward him knife drawn and slid it down his face, pushing the blade into his cheek until a crimson red streak appeared. He sat in silence. "You don't want to talk, eh? Okay, that's fair but I've been through this with plenty of guys like you. You're not saying anything now but when the real fun begins, then we'll see what happens. So, might as well cut your losses and tell me what I need to know." The man turned his face away from me.

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