Complete opposite & somethings wrong

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"Hey i need to tell you something that has been on my mind all day..."

now on with the story!

~Chris pov~

Joel came back from talking to Malia. He was smiling all goofy and came over to me since i was the only one that new he liked her.

"I got her number and we gonna hangout tomorrow after rehearsal! Your gonna cover me right?" Joel told me grinning like a little girl who got a barbie dream house.

"Of course Joel, ¿Para eso están los amigos?" i said back to Joel. He smiled at me and gave me a bro hug before we all filed back into the bus.

Knowing Joel, his is a very shy and timid kid, but once you know him he's crazy and very outgoing. I feel like Malia would be perfect for him because she is also very outgoing but seems super caring and sweet. But me on the other hand, is like the complete opposite of Joel. When you first meet me, i'm crazy and outgoing, but when you get to know me i'm very chill and easy going. But luckily i don't like Malia and i like Yasmin. She seems so funny and crazy but really sweet and kind. I got interrupted with my thoughts when Richard said,

"So i was talking to Malia and Yasmin and they are both designers for nike, but Malia has really good taste and i think they could fill in the spots for the stylist and designer we need, and plus we all really like them right?" Richard was asking us but seemed more like he was telling us that he's gonna ask Clara.

"Eso es bueno bro, creo que a todos nos gusta." We all nodded then he headed off to the front of the bus to talk to Clara.

~Yasmin pov~

"What's wrong? I know something is." Malia asked me. She looked in my eyes trying to read my expression. I looked back in hers, trying to tell her that nothing was okay. The love of my life cheated on me with my ex-best friend, is now dating her and they both work at Nike with me, plus, i'm pregnant with Eli's baby. I don't think there could be a worse time besides now. The only good thing in my life is meeting CNCO and looking forward to my birthday party.

"No, nothing is okay Mal. My life is now messed up forever." i said to her, with tears brining my eyes.

"Yas don't cry, please tell me what's wrong when your sad it makes we sad." I shifted around in my seat after i turned off the car.

"After hearing Eli cheated on me was the worse thing, especially because i had to hear it from you because he wasnt man enough to tell me himself. You know we loved each other, but i still love him and it's hard to see him and know he's not mine." I said with a few salty tears running down my cheeks. I needed to tell her but i kept on going around the important subject.

"I understand and i'm here for you but i feel there is something else you are not telling me." fuck she knows me too good.

"I... i'm... the test was p-positive."

"What test?"

"I'm... pregnant." i said quietly.

"What did you say?" Malia asked me sincerely.

"I'm fucking pregnant Malia! What do i do?" i yelled back at her, Malia trying to process the information i gave her.

"Your pregnant?" she said lowly.

"Si, lo siento por gritar."

"Está bien, lo entiendo." she replied back. See this is why she is my best friend she understands me. I couldn't help but break down into tears, that turned into sobs. Malia immediately pulled me into a hug comforting me. After a few minutes she pulled away and we got out of the car and started to walking to our apartment complex.

"Come on i have a good idea." She said smirking at me. When she got out her keys and unlocked our door, she went straight to the refrigerator pulling me along with her, getting out the ice cream, cookies, champagne, and apple juice.

"Hey what are you doing? i deserve champagne right now." i said crossing my arms in front of my chest and turning my head dramatically.

"You're pregnant, remember pendeja?" Malia retorted.

"Ugh, you're no fun." i sight grabbing the apple juice.

"Tonight i say fuck you to boys!" Mal said as we clicked our glasses together and i took a sip of apple juice.

"You know i really needed this, i'm so happy your my best friend." I said to Malia.

"No problem, you can always come to me with your problems." She said jokingly, but we both know that she means it. We ate ice cream and talked about the CNCO boys and random stuff.

"Oh shit, i totally forgot about dinner." Malia said panicking.

"It's okay go to dinner, I know you haven't seen  Camila in a while."

"Are you sure? I can cancel if you want i know she won't mind."

"No go ahead, i don't want you feeling sorry for me too long."

"Thank you so much, i promise we will have lots of fun tomorrow at the concert and on your birthday."

"Go get ready!"

~Malia pov~

Shit i totally forgot about dinner reservations with my older sister, Camila. Luckily Yas was understanding enough to let me go. I haven't seen Camila in so long due to her college, so we can finally catch up! But what should i wear?


thank you guys so much for reading! every read mean s so much to me, i love you guys so much! also, this is sara and eli, since i haven't put visuals for their characters yet.

thank you guys so much for reading! every read mean s so much to me, i love you guys so much! also, this is sara and eli, since i haven't put visuals for their characters yet

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Devin Gordon as Eli Carter

Sara Sampiano as Sara Saleh

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Sara Sampiano as Sara Saleh

Adios mis amores 💞😚

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