December 12, 2018

21 1 0

 Today I went to school. I saw my crush, B. I got to school and I was freezing. I hung out with my best friend Jillian. Then the bell rang and both of us walked to math. Halfway through math we had to go in the gym because we smelled propane. It ended up being nothing at all. Our class was so bad that he made our exit ticket into a quiz. We don't get homework in math. Next we went to PE and that is my least favorite class. We break went to science and then  went to lunch. I saw my crush. I'll nickname him B. B has a girlfriend. B is a year and a half younger than me. At lunch Jillian and I walked around the blacktop. After that we went to ELA. I love ELA. The main reason I like it is because I like the teacher and she makes ELA fun. I then went to the after school program, PM Club. B go there. So does my other friend Malia. I got picked up by my dad. He had my two sisters, Kaitlyn and Mikayla, with him. He then took us to Ross to get jackets. We then went to Walmart. After that we went home and my dad made dinner for my mom, Kaitlyn, Mikayla, him, and me. It was steak with pasta(called Shells), and Chili. It was delicious. Then I had to feed horses and dogs. Now I am here writing and getting ready to go to bed. 


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