May 26, 2019

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Wow! It's been a really long time since I wrote on here. Have so much to say. I don't like E anymore but I still like B. I passed the constitution test with I think a 91 or 94 out of 100.  E found out that I like B. E threatens to tell B but lately, he hasn't really brought up B. I had my Birthday. In Ela, we had two book reports due. 

My grandpa died and we think my grandma just let him die and didn't help. She was with the body for three days. Now it's our step-grandma so luckily it's not in our blood to turn out crazy.  Crazy right. We all guess that she wanted him dead. Her story changed multiple times. Then my mom called a person that can talk to ghost/spirits(yes our family believes that. My grandpa said that he felt that he was left there no one helping. He felt like she didn't care and stepped over the body. He said he was with Kaitlyn at the rodeo watching over her. Then he acknowledges my birthday. He told us so many things and I believe them all. It was super cool. 

Let us just skip to may. We only have a week and a half until we graduate 8th grade. YAY! Jillian likes my cousin that she had never met. She came across his sister Instagram and then saw that he was tagged in a post. Then she started talking to him but she would send photos of what he said and she said. Then I started talking to him. She still continues to think he hot and likes him. I still have off and on feelings about her liking him. Some days it seems gross while other days I support her.

We only have 7 days and something hours until San Francisco. I can't wait. We have to wake up at 5 something and be there at school by 5 something. Super early. We get to go to Alcatraz. I'm super excited. I hope Jillian and Maddie and I are in the same group.

Well, Kaitlyn turning 18 tomorrow. Where did the time go by? She's also graduating high school this year. Next week(the week aI graduate. Not this week) we plan to tell B I like him. I wonder what he'll say. I pray every night that we'll end up together. I wish there was some way that he could find out without me knowing that he found out. 

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