Love with a bite VI

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Ylva is grateful she has the saturday off; after a long week of work and the unexpected late night it is well past noon before she finally wakes up. In that hazy state between waking and sleeping she remembers snippets of her dreams. In one dream sitting in the diner with Loki was gradually replaced by bits from the movie 'When Harry met Sally', including the iconic orgasm scene. She also remembers how the rich couple and the woman in the purple coat kept popping up in her dreams, whispering 'fangbanger' and 'he just wants your blood' in her ear. I.M. Georges had even written 'Watch out for the vampire' on the title page of her book, his autograph in blood red ink. Those bad parts faded in and out in between her fantasy's reenactments of her favourite moments of last night. Like how vulnerable Loki had looked on that sidewalk when he explained to her he just wanted to spend some more time with her; it was cute! And how he had mindlessly toyed with the nose of her shoe after she had put her feet up on the edge of his seat. She suspected he didn't even know he did it, he had his full attention on her the entire time. And of course the best part at the end of the night: how he had promised without hesitation they would see each other again.

Ylva rolls on her back, her arms spread out on the bed. She thinks about how Loki had escorted her to the front door; his hand light on her back, yet she could still feel it through her thick winter coat. Her left hand goes up to her temple, the place where Loki pressed a kiss to her skin. She presses her lips together to hide a smile, even though she's alone in her room.

On the floor next to her bed is her bag, Ylva reaches over to get the books out. Turning over to her stomach she opens her beloved copy of 'The backstreets of London'. I.M. Georges has written her a short message: 'To Ylva, who reads my books to shreds'.

Ylva brushes her finger over the autograph; it's just normal blue ink, not blood. The warning in her dream from her favourite author had more impact than the ugly words from the stuck up couple and that nosy woman. Him telling her to watch out for Loki struck a chord. Because Loki is a vampire: a real, blood-sucking vampire. One with really nice manners, darkly good looks and a wicked sense of humour. One who loves to read, who laughs at her jokes and who gives her the feeling she can tell him anything. Still, he's a vampire. He needs to drink blood on a daily basis, he can be incredibly dangerous and because he is from Asgard he is even more powerful than vampires that used to be regular humans. Until now she has only seen him move things with his mind - which is incredible enough as it is -, but who knows what else he can do?

There's another thing though... Loki is Thor's brother. The Thor, the vampire king of North America. Ylva is not really sure what being from Asgard really means - Loki evaded further questions about that -, yet she has certainly heard of the most famous vampire of the Western hemisphere! She even has visited Club Red before, when she went clubbing with Thomas and some friends. Thor being king makes Loki vampire royalty, a prince; Ylva is getting the feeling she is in over her head.

'But he is so sweet!'

- 'He is a powerful vampire.'

'Who joked around like a little kid by shoving my pie away from my fork.'

- 'While you were eating pie, he was thinking of eating you!'


- 'Not like that!'

Ylva groans and pushes her face in the pillow; her inner monologue is not helping! The little angel is starting to sound more and more like aunt Yvonne, now she thinks of it. The little devil on the other hand is like an 18-year old version of Pippi Longstocking; open to anything as long as it promises to be fun. And she most certainly had a good time last night, she would even dare going as far as saying it was the best impromptu date she ever had.

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