Muffins I

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This short story features the characters from my book 'Coffee & Books', but in an alternate universe where they don't know each other. This is just me having fun writing about Loki and Ylva :-) It is not related to the 'Coffee & Books' storyline, it just has the same characters. Enjoy!

Characters: Loki, Ylva (OC), Thor, the Avengers


It's the early morning and the Odinson brothers walk the streets of Manhattan, on their way to Stark Tower. Loki walks with his hands loosely in the pockets of his black bespoke suit. "Really, brother," he comments haughtily, "I don't know why you insist on dressing like that. The clothes on Midgard are one of the only things that make living here bearable."

Thor adjusts his jeans jacket that covers his hoodie. "What? I like this, it's comfortable!"

"Yes," Loki sneers, "it also looks like you should be pushing a shopping cart filled with empty plastic bottles."

"At least I don't look like a witch!" Thor throws back at his raven haired sibling.

The brothers continue their banter while they wait at a red light. Loki barely hides his contempt for the mortals that surround them, waiting for the light to turn green so they can cross the street. Most of the people are dressed for work, carrying briefcases or shoulderbags. A little to the side he can hear some schoolgirls whisper excitedly among each other, stealing glances at the God of Thunder. Thor is popular with the mortals at Midgard, courtesy of him swinging his hammer in defence of the realm. However, the majority of his fanbase seems to exist out of teenage girls that swoon if Thor so much as looks their way.

"I swear, if they bat their eyelashes at you any harder, they'll become airborne," Loki grumbles at his brother, crossing the street when the light turns green.

Thor jovially pats him on the shoulder. "You're just jealous, little brother! The women of Midgard are beautiful and friendly, it's a delight to be around them." The God of Thunder glances at the schoolgirls following him to his left, who errupt into giggles the moment he looks their way. "Although these are a little young, I give you that."

Loki frowns. "I don't see what's so special about mortal women."

"And you will never discover it if you keep up that attitude," Thor grins. "You might wanna start by smiling a little more."

Loki quickly steps to the side to avoid another slap on the shoulder by his brother. By doing that, he bumps into someone carrying a street board sign. The edge of the chalkboard sign hits him hard in the shins; he grinds his teeth together in pain and grabs hold of the board. His black suit is stylish, but it certainly lacks the padding of his leather armour.
"You puny wench!" he snaps, followed by some Asgardian profanities.

On the other side of the chalkboard sign is a young woman, staring at him in shock. She has strawberry blonde hair, put up in a loose bun at the back of her head, and is wearing a black poloshirt with a nametag pinned over her left breast. 'Ylva', it says; Loki automatically translates the old Norse name to 'Little Wolf'. She is standing pretty close, one hand on top of the chalkboard sign just like him.
"Oh! I am so sorry! Did you hurt yourself?"

"No," Loki spits out. "That was your doing."

"I'm really sorry, sir!" She has big blue eyes that plead with him.

The woman moves her free hand to his arm and leaves it there as if to comfort him. Loki is appalled by her audacity to touch him, the prince of Asgard and a Master of Magic; these mortals have no common sense at all! Yet his abhorrence dissolves quickly, leaving him perplexed by what is happening. A warm glow starts to spread through his body, relaxing him inch by inch.

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