Princess in the tower VI

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Chapter 6 - Frigga

When the kids suddenly show up - still on horseback - by the conservatory, both Lady Frigga and Lady Anarya immediately leave their embroidery work and hurry towards them. It's clear from all the young faces that something is wrong.

Lady Anarya runs up to the black gelding that carries her daughter and Frigga's youngest son. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

"No mom, I'm fine," is the consoling response, although it doesn't clear up yet why the two teenagers were riding together.

"Did Holly go limp?" The Alfheim queen turns to inspect the brown mare that is tied to Ulf's horse.

Frigga didn't see anything abnormal when they came riding up, and indeed, the kids confirm nothing is wrong with the animal.

It only becomes more of a riddle when Loki harshly demands that Brann will be taken away by the guards immediately, before even coming down from his horse. The animal nervously moves in place, eager to get rid of his two riders.

"Just roll with it," Brann says to the two flabbergasted mothers with a deep sigh, as he gestures for two nearby guards to follow him inside the palace.

While lady Anarya stares after her son who strolls away with the two guards in tow, Frigga turns her attention to her youngest son. Now his unusual demand is being followed - in some way at least - he finally dismounts, holding his hands out to help Ylva down.

"Loki? What is going on?"

The raven-haired prince turns to his mother, a polite smile on his lips. "I can understand you're a little spooked, mother. Believe me when I say we didn't expect to come across a Dark Elf in the woods either!"

There's a strange lilt to his words and what he is saying absolutely makes no sense at all. Yet before Frigga can say anything, she catches sight of Ylva who is signalling for her to stay quiet. So the queen settles for a non-committing "I see...".

The girl next to Loki takes initiative now, tugging on Loki's sleeve. "Come with me, Loki, you promised me you would go to the infirmary to get yourself checked out."

"Infirmary? Loki, are you hurt?"

Another smile from Loki, again one that doesn't match the strange gleam in his eyes. "Don't worry, mother, Ylva is already worrying enough for the two of you. It was just a little skirmish with the Dark Elf, I'm sure everything is alright." He directs his smile at the girl now and takes her hand. "My princess insists I will go see a doctor, just to be sure."

Frigga would like nothing more than to give Loki a good shake and make him talk some sense, though from the way everybody is behaving she understands she will have to wait for answers. Alright, she will give them that, she can wait a little longer. And then somebody will have to tell her everything.


As it turns out, Frigga doesn't have to wait long to hear at least some of the story. Thor whispers it to her on their way to the infirmary, following Loki and Ylva who walk in front of them. Hand in hand, with Loki fondly gazing down on Ylva the whole time.

"Loki is tripping from a snake bite?" Frigga repeats Thor's words incredulously.

"Yeah, and the only thing to keep him calm is to play along and do what he wants."

"And what does he want?" Frigga asks, although she already has an inkling of what it is.

"Defeat the bad guy and protect the princess, just like in the game we were playing when he got bitten," Thor says with a nod to the young couple in front of them. Then he smirks widely. "Although he has some interesting ideas about what protecting is."

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