Love with a bite X

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Having dinner with a vampire isn't really that different from other dates Ylva has had, except it is better. Whether it is because of his advanced life-experience or because they seem to match so well; Loki stands out from all the other men Ylva has dated. She had not planned to kiss him when he picked her up, yet it seemed inevitable as soon as she saw him waiting for her down by the stairs. It was like a magnet pulled her towards him, an invisible force she has not yet experienced before.

Because she couldn't make up her mind and soon completely forgot about having to order while Loki told her about Florence, he orders for the both of them. In fluent Italian of which Ylva only catches a few words, so she doesn't exactly know what dishes will arrive to their table. She doesn't really care either. The food is excellent, but the company is better.

There is not a moment of awkwardness between them, everything just flows. Even when Loki tells her he was in Florence during the Renaissance, it doesn't register with her as bizarre or frightening. The vampire tells her about his time in the Italian city and he could just be talking about his two weeks of vacation there instead of living there for nearly two centuries. Loki even has a home in the Italian city that he rents out; something he does with various properties across the globe to have a steady source of income.

"So, if you want to visit Florence, you just kick the tenants out?"

Loki chuckles and shakes his head. "That would make me a bad landlord. If it's only for a short visit I often stay with friends. The Medici family has a couple of guest houses around the city, they always have guests over. I guess vampires love culture."

"There are Medici vamps?" Loki shrugs at her question, as if the answer is obvious; and it probably is. "Is New York a hotspot for visiting vampires too?"

"Well, this is the city that never sleeps," Loki answers. "Which comes in handy when you, you know, live at night."

"Is that why you are here too?"

Loki pours them another glass of wine, waiting to answer. "I guess I'm here mostly because of my brother."

"The vampire king."

"I just call him Thor." Loki raises an eyebrow when he looks at her over the edge of his glass.

"So, is he like the king of all vampires?"

"It's complicated." Loki doesn't seem that stoked to talk about this topic and Ylva doesn't really understand why.

"I can do complicated." She moves her hand over the table to touch his fingers that are toying with the stem of his glass of wine. "Wouldn't it be good for me to know some things about vampire society? I might run into Thor eventually if we continue to hang out..."

Loki hooks his finger around one of hers. "Is that what we are doing? Hanging out?"

"Hanging out, having dinner... kissing..." Ylva leans over and Loki does the same to make good on her words. He hooks his arm around her hips to slide her towards him over the smooth surface of the corner bench.

They kiss until Ylva almost forgets about her question from before, but Loki hasn't. "I guess it's sensible if you know a few things," he says quietly when he releases her.

Ylva pull her knees up on the bench as Loki leans back, his arm resting on top of her legs. "Enlighten me," she tells him earnestly. "I want to learn about your world."

Little did she know there was so much to learn. There is not one vampire king, there are several, each with their own territory and they are surrounded by a clan that is somewhat similar to a royal family. The clan is usually made up of vampires that were turned by the king or queen or have other long-standing relationships with the monarch. The royals visit each other to keep in touch; in fact, the Russian vampire king will be visiting New York in little over a week from now. Loki didn't want to say much about it, other than that this king is a royal pain in the ass and Ylva should stay away when he's in town. It sounds like good advice; she doesn't want to get in an angry vampire's way. She'd much rather be around the vampire that kisses her ever so gently every time there's a lull in his story.

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