Chapter 1

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lower cases intended.

song recommendation: somewhere in between- august wilhelmsson (highly recommended & put on repeat)

Grace's POV
"you'll do great grace." austin shrugged smiling slightly, i could tell he was trying to be comforting.

i shrugged and threw my backpack over my shoulder.

austin is my cousin who's a senior, he has always been like a best friend to me. we're the same age which i love because most time there's always some kind of age difference with cousins wether it be a year or 5 years.

i lost the most important person in my life 436 days ago. my sister who was my best friend. my parents were crack heads and left my sister and i when she was 15 and I was 14. their exact word were "we don't want you two anymore." i mean how could any parents do that to their children?

we both went into foster care. all we had was each other. nobody want to foster or adopt us because we were older kids.

but after she died I had no where else to go. my aunt amy offered for me to move 2,411 miles away to New Jersey. it was that or foster care.

i was no where ready to come back given everything that happened to me.

i haven't talk to anyone since the day it happened, since the day i lost everything. it's been 436 days since i last spoke.

yet there was no need for me to talk, i'm nothing but a breeze in the wind, something you wouldn't think twice about. im not worth it.
the drive to school was slow and quiet. i watched out the window and stared at the sky. it was perfectly sunny and bright out. there was not a cloud in the sky.

the sun was my favorite, the warmth of it, feeling the warmth on my body. it was calming to me.

i looked down at my outfit choice. i was wearing a red and black checkered flannel with a black vest over it with medium blue ripped jeans and white converse. i had my hair into a low lose bun.

i honestly didn't even have the energy to care about my appearance anymore. what's the point?

"we're here." austin tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. i looked out the window to find myself looking at a massive school. Overwhelming.

i sighed quietly to myself and got out of the car. i started walking when austin caught up with me and walked next to me.

the warm breeze from the school doors opening hit me in the face. people were looking at me and snickering to their friends. wow i just stepped foot in here and they are already snickering. coming to a new school in october sucks. i'm for now known as the new girl, but i'm sure that will change to the girl that doesn't talk.

austin knew i wasn't gonna talk to to the lady on the front office so he got my schedule for me.

"here's your schedule, your first period is that classroom by the lockers." he pointed at the class door down the hall. "after class ill come back and take you to your second period, and so fourth. the teacher will understand if you're late cause you're brand new here." he smiled at me. i gave him a blank expression.

he opened his mouth to say something when a group of guys jumped on his back causing austin to flinch but laugh.

austin was defiantly the popular kid in school. more known as the kind person, the person everyone loved.

there was three guys around him, one dirty blonde who looked well built, with dark blue eyes, and two of them looked exactly the same. they had darkish brown hair that was styled the exact same, perfect sharp jaw lines, perfect hazel eyes, and the were both really well built. they're hot.

they all stopped conversation and look directly at me.

"who's this?" the dirty blonde looked from me to austin.
"guys, this is my cousin grace, she just moved here." austin pointed him thumb at me.
"grace this is luke." he pointed at luke, "and they are two are twins, that's ones grayson." he said pointing to the one dressed in a black tee-shirt with jeans and white converse. "and that ones ethan." now pointing at ethan dressed in a dark gray low swooping tee-shirt with jeans and white converse.

"hey." they all said in sync.

i looked at each one of them slowly but didn't say anything. i looked down to the floor and started walking down the hall towards the classroom not daring to look back.

Ethan's POV
"hey." we all said to grace.
she looked at each of us then looked down to the floor and started walking to class.

i gave austin a look and he looked at me and sighed. luke and grayson shrugged and walked away.

"what's up with her?" i asked
"she's been through a lot." austin shrugged and started walking down the hall with me.
"why didn't she say anything?" i asked fiddling with the strap on my back pack.
austin stopped in his track and looked at me with a sad look in his face.
he sighed, "she hasn't said a single word in 436 days."
my mouth dropped, "why? how?"
"it's not my place to tell you really, i mean I know what happened but i can't tell you her story. she's like my best friend and i can't even get her to smile. it's like she's alive but there's nothing there, she shows no emotion in front of anyone. i mean- i can hear her crying through the wall sometimes but that's it." i could see the hurt look in his eyes talking about her.

how could someone not talk that long? i mean even though grace didn't talk to me i could tell she was broken, and i was going to fix her.

hi i feel like this sucks but anyway this is the first chapter and i hope you liked it. i have nothing to do over winter break so i'm gonna write.


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