Chapter 2

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grace's pov

ethan was in my first period, and i don't know why but apart of me was glad. just something about him is different. when grayson and luke walked away, ethan stayed. i wondered why, i mean it obviously doesn't mean anything though. a boy like that would never look at me that way. he shouldn't look at me.

i find myself zoning out during first period thinking about my life. why do all these terrible things have to happen to me? i just want to be a normal high school girl with a family. i want to have friends. i want to be normal.

i want my sister.

i was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing.

people tried to talk to me all period, they asked me what my name was, where I was from but i couldn't answer them. but Ethan didn't. he just stared at me.

teachers gave me weird looks when i wouldn't respond to them, and people stared at me in class and in the hallways.

there's so many people in the world and it's crazy how lonely you can feel. but olivia never made me feel lonely. but i don't have her anymore.


austin offered me to have lunch with him but i just went in the bathroom instead.

i know he's hoping i'll talk to him but i just can't bring myself to do it.

i feel bad for hurting him but i just can't get more attached. its better off this way.

eating in the bathroom is gross but at least i get some peace and quiet. nobody can ask me questions or talk to me.

i was just eating my lunch when i heard the sound of feet walking in the bathroom.

"can you believe that new girl doesn't even talk?" one said. "yeah she just another freak show around here." they both started laughing.

after a minute i hear the clanking of their high heels exist the bathroom.

tears slowly started forming in my eyes as i tried to slow my breathing. memories come flooding in my head that i can't stop.

that's the thing about me. i act tough but i'm really not tough. i'm so fragile, like glass waiting to shatter. or shatter more.

i've lost all my self confidence. it got destroyed a long time ago by my parents. they used to tell olivia and i we were ugly, that we were the biggest mistakes they made. it ruined us.

eventually i slowly calmed myself down. i grabbed the schools cheap toilet paper and i unlocked my stall door, i looked in the mirror and wiped under both my eyes and lightly blew my nose.

i looked down at the sink and back up at myself. red puffy eyes and red splotchy cheeks. deep purple bags under my eyes.

drained. mentally, emotionally, and physically drained.

i no longer wanted to eat so i packed my lunch up and swung my backpack over my shoulder heading to the door.

i opened the door and jumped back a little when I see ethan standing there.

i just stare at him and he stares back at me. i scan over every detail of his face. he's really beautiful. his eyes are a perfect hazel, when the light hits them they almost look completely green. his lips are a perfect shape and they look soft. they're a perfect pink shade. he has a mole on his right cheek. his hair is dark brown almost black and is perfectly swooped up making it look messy- but not too messy.

i notice myself staring and look down to the ground hoping he'll move out of the way.

he immediately notices that i've been crying.
"are you ok?" he asks me softly. i look up at him and barely nod my head and try to shove past him but he puts his arm out so i can't.

"austin said you were in here." i look up at him and make eye contact again. "you should come eat with us." he smiles softly.

i push past his arm and don't even acknowledge him. i don't dare turn back either.

hi I know I've been gone a long time but guess who got another ear infection and is dealing with a lot of stress. I have to go get ear tubes on Thursday so hopefully that will help. Also we're having a wicked ass snow storm and school keeps getting canceled.
I hope this chapter isn't ass ok bye I'll update quicker this time

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