Chapter 4

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graces pov
"ok class, today i am going to be assigning you a project, and you must work with a partner. now before you ask, i will be selecting your partners. this assignment will be worth 80% of your grade." mr. wilson said to the class.

i sigh to myself knowing the stress and anxiety that is about to come with this project.

mr. wilson starts selecting partners. after a minute i hear my name.
"grace and ethan."

i glance at ethan who smiles at me.

"now this is photography class, it's not the hardest thing in the world so i expect no slacking on this project. your assignment is called 52 weeks. now obviously we don't have 52 weeks in the school year but each week you will need to come up with a theme. for example, you may shoot particular subjects, places, or even do some photowalks." he pauses to take a sip of his coffee. "photowalks are cools way to explore and discover new places."

this project sounds somewhat cool. it'd be better if i could do it by myself though.

"at the end of each week you will turn them into me and at the end of the year you will pick some of the most important or meaningful photos you took and explain them to the class." he takes a deep breath. "ok i'm done blabbing today. go ahead and get with your partners so you can figure everything out." he turns back to his computer.

he probably assigned this project so he doesn't really have to do anything.

i see ethan in the corner of my eye walking towards my desk. i can already tell this is going to be awkward.

"hey grace." he smiles at me.
i fiddle with my fingers. there's no denying that he makes me nervous. "ok so for the project i was thinking we could exchange numbers and meet up." he smiles again. he sure does smile a lot.

i don't respond i just pull out my phone. i unlock it and go to make a new contact. i hand him my phone and he starts typing in his number. after he's done, he opens the camera and makes a funny face.
(picture above)

i couldn't help but let a small smile on my face.

he turned his head and looked at me. his eyes widened and he lightly smiled.

ethan's pov
i rush to get my lunch. once i finally get through the annoyingly long line of immature kids, i rush to find austin.

i want to tell him that i made grace smile. even if it was a small smile, i still got a smile out of her and that is progress.

i really don't why i feel so compelled to help her, maybe it's because she doesn't throw herself at me like other girls do.

i make my way over to our usual lunch table where i see austin sitting with grayson and luke.

"austin," i sit down "you are not going to believe this."

"what's up?" he questions, while grayson and luke listen in on the conversation.

"i made grace smile." i say proudly.

"is this some kind of joke ethan?" he says with a serious look plastered on face.

"seriously?" i say.

"i don't need you getting my hopes up." he sighs, "but maybe you can get her to talk." he softly smiles.

"maybe i can."


hi guys, i know it's been a long time and most of the people that were reading this probably forgot about it. i'm sorry for not updating in so long.

i am not doing great with my physical and mental health. i feel just as broken like grace from this book, but not for the same reasons. i've been living everyday with constant anxiety and being scared 24/7 :((

anyways, i love you guys ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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