A Noble Act?

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Everyone, including the Blue Team, Army's team, the Squid Sisters, and Rider, stared at you.

Why do they seem so surprised? Has nobody ever called Army out for being a jerk? You thought in total disbelief.

With his hands tied behind his back, Army snickered and said in a rather posh, English voice, "I can say anything I want to my opponents. Besides, what could you possibly do to make me apologize?"

You'll soon find out! You thought as you stomped towards Army who suddenly had a nervous look on his face.

Without warning, you punched Army right in the face! He immediately fell unconscious.

One of Army's cohorts, shouted in concern, "Commander!"

Army's teammates gathered around their leader to see if he still had a pulse.

Callie said in horror, "Army is knocked out!"

Marie then instructed the audience, "Everyone, please proceed to the plaza!"

As everyone scurried away from Flounder Heights, Rider ran to the battle grounds.

Specs continued staring at you and slowly said, "I can't believe you did that..."

You started to feel panic in the pit of your stomach. Maybe punching Army wasn't the best idea...

Headphones then said in the same surprised tone, "You stood up for us..."

Goggles suddenly asked you in his usual cheerful voice, "Curry?"

You were surprised in the sudden change of mood.

Specs shouted angrily, "You're seriously offering curry now?"

You suddenly said, "Actually I'm glad he asked. I was getting pretty hungry."

Specs simply shrugged.

You graciously took the curry from Goggles.

Bobble Hat said in her pleasantly, adorable voice, "Be sure to save some for me!"

You smiled. Bobble Hat was too precious for this world.

You wanted to eat the delicious-looking curry but you felt like you didn't deserve to have it. Not after punching someone to the point of unconsciousness.

All of a sudden, you could see Rider in the distance.

Goggles noticed Rider as well and shouted, "Hey, Rider! Meet our new friend!"

Rider gave you an astounded look. "Even I didn't have the nerve to punch Army for bullying Team Blue..." Rider soon crossed his arms and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Who are you, anyway?"

You nearly choked on the curry.

Oh, crud. They think I'm new here. Well... I am but I'm not really an Inkling... You thought as anxiety started to build up inside of your body.

You quickly said, "I'm Krystal. I just moved here from Calamari County."

Goggles smiled brightly. "No way! So am I!"

As Goggles, Specs, Headphones, and Bobble Hat asked you a bunch of questions, Rider smirked.

This Inkling sure is interesting. Rider thought as he gazed at you with mild amusement.

Headphones asked you with a smile, "So where are you staying?"

This caught your attention. You said rather timidly,"Oh, I actually didn't pick out a place yet..."

Rider suddenly said with his hands on his hips, "You're free to chill out at my apartment."

To everyone's surprise, you shouted, "OH MY GOSH! YES!"

You blushed. Your cheeks were literally red like a tomato. "I mean... that sounds cool."

Goggles asked in glee, "Why don't I come too Rider? We can have a slumber party!"

Rider growled in annoyance. "Like heck we will."

You giggled quietly to yourself.

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