I'm Here For You

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Once you and Rider reached the plaza, we stopped to gaze at Aloha and his teammates. They were pranking Judd by tickling his nose with a feather.

"Me... Ow!"

To Rider's surprise, Judd sneezed so hard, he flew across the plaza and landed right in front of his feet.

The fluffy cat soon looked up to see Aloha and his team approaching him with sly smirks on their faces. Judd trembled in fear.

Rider bent down, picked up a frightening Judd, and asked angrily,"What the heck Aloha? You nearly scared him half to death!"

Aloha sang,"Oh, Rider... You get more interesting by the minute. I mean hanging out with a reckless girl is one thing but cuddling a cat..."

Aloha grinned rather wickedly as his teammates laughed hysterically.

You found yourself feeling dumbfounded. You always thought Aloha was the nicest of the S4...

You immediately took Rider's hand and took him and Judd to Jelly Fresh.

To Rider's dismay, his teammates were in the store. Rider would rather fall in a pool than let them see him with tears in his eyes.

Rider could still hear Aloha and his teammates laugh cruelly.

Rider wiped the tears that were trickling down his face.

Judd looked up at Rider with confused eyes. Rider noticed this and said,"It'll be OK Judd. I'll make sure those jerks won't bother you anymore."

Judd purred. He lovingly rubbed his head against Rider's chest.

Blazer squealed,"Rider! You're so sweet!"

Rider froze. He forgot about his teammates. Bamboo Hat crossed her arms and smirked. "I always thought you were aloof and hated anything cute."

Rider was at a loss of what to say. A rarity for him.

You suddenly said to Rider's team,"It's so great to finally meet you guys! Rider's told me so much about you!"

Stealth Goggles asked happily,"R-really?"

Blazer gave Rider a great, big hug. "Aw! Rider! You really are a kind person deep down."

You chuckled. "I wouldn't say deep down..."

All of a sudden, Judd's stomach growled loudly. Judd blushed in embarrassment.

Rider told you,"We better get Judd something to eat." You nodded in agreement. Rider then directed his attention to his three friends. "Would you guys do us a huge favor? Goggles needs some new clothes. If you could give it to him that would be great."

Blazer replied happily,"You can count on us!"

Bamboo secretly gave Blazer a look of disbelief. As you and Rider exited the shop, Stealth said to Bamboo and Blazer in confusion,"I wonder why Goggles needs new clothes..."

As you and Rider ate inside of Rider's apartment, you said with a smile,"I have to say, you're the greatest friend I ever had Rider."

Rider stopped eating to say,"I am, huh?"

Your smile grew even bigger. "Yeah! I mean we have so much in common. We both thought we didn't need any friends in the past and we both hate the S4."

Rider laughed. "You really are something, Krystal..." He suddenly looked at his watch. It was already 10:00! "I think it's time we got some shut eye."

You nodded once again.

As he got up, Rider found himself looking at the nearby mirror. He could see your reflection. The mirror was not showing your Inkling form but rather your true human form. Rider took a step back. You asked in concern,"Rider? What's wrong?"

Without warning, Rider leaped for his Gold Dynamo Roller, pointed it right at you, and exclaimed angrily,"You've been lying to me this whole time! You're not an Inkling!"

Your jaw dropped.

You thought in total disbelief, How did he...?

You looked at your reflection in the mirror. You facepalmed. "Gosh, darn it."

Rider growled,"Is that all you have to say for yourself? Gosh, darn it?"

You bit your lip.

What am I going to do? What should I say? You thought frantically.

"Krystal! Or should I even call you that?"

You were about to speak when a furious Rider struck you with his weapon.

You rose up from your bed, panting. It was quiet and dark in the room you were in.

That felt way too real... You thought in horror.

You immediately turned on your room's electricity to get a good look of yourself in the mirror. You were still an Inkling. You sighed in relief.


You jumped up in surprise. It was Rider who was wearing a red t-shirt and white shorts. He raised an eyebrow. "Is everything alright?"

You. said in the most casual voice you could manage,"Yeah, it's just I can't seem to go back to sleep..."

Rider smirked. He said as he made his way over to the kitchen,"Tea should help."

You quickly said,"Raspberry tea! Please!"

Rider nodded. You looked past Rider to see Judd sleeping peacefully on a round pillow. Occasionally, his ears would flop. You squealed,"He's so adorable!"

Rider said,"He does have his charm."

Before Rider could start making the tea, he got a text message.

Goggles: Rider! Rider! The Squid Sisters are reporting a very special announcement!

You looked at Rider's text. Both you. and Rider were curiously waiting for what Goggles was going to text next.

Goggles: There's going to be a pickled plum festival tomorrow! Booyah!

Rider growled in annoyance and was about to text a less than pleasant reply back when you stopped him. "Come on Rider! It could be fun!"

Rider sighed before saying with a smirk,"If it'll make you happy..."

You were about to jump for joy when a vision of your family and friends appeared in your head. Not to mention the dream you just had of Rider striking you with his weapon.

Rider asked in concern,"Krystal? You look really pale. Are you OK?"

You immediately said,"I'm just thinking about my family and friends back home! That's all..."

Rider put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You'll see them again."

At that moment, you felt at war with yourself. You thought, Should I tell Rider the truth so he can help me get back home? Or... Do I continue living the life of my dreams with Rider?

You suddenly dropped down to the ground and sobbed. Rider immediately gave you a hug. He said in a surprisingly soft tone,"Krystal... you're not really an Inkling... are you?"

You were in total shock. Just like in my dream, Rider was seeing my reflection of my true human form in the same exact mirror. You started to panic. "Please! Don't strike me with your dynamo roller!"

Rider frowned. "I would never do that to you. Listen... I'll help you get back home."

You felt even more shock. But it soon died down to relief. You returned Rider's hug.

"Thank you, Rider..."

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