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Lover Boy by Phum Viphurit
I try to turn to the movie, Moana, but i cant seem to turn my eyes away from the beauty before me. His eyes sparkle, the scene playing in his eyes, his pink, full lips move to the song but nothing comes out. I wish it did though. His hands grips onto the quilt that covers his skinny, pale legs. His hair is messy and wet from all the tears he had shed earlier. His face is beautiful, he's beautiful. Everything about him is, matter of factly, perfect.
"Hey, gray, watch the movie and stop staring at me, weird ass." He calls, i laugh and turn my head, even though it was hard my eyes glued to the screen, "i don't want cho ugly ass starin at me anyways." I turn my head towards him, "uh, rude!" I push his shoulder, he falls off the bed, his body landing on the floor first, i burst out laughing and hold my stomach.
"Oh shut up! I d-didnt e-even pu-" i started laughing harder because when he came up, his hair was everywhere and his lips were in a pout. I could tell he way trying to hold in his laughter. He climbs back onto the bed and tackles me, i laugh again, "get off of me!" I yell, pushing him away, he groans and tackles me again. He takes my wrists and pulls them behind my back, "your mean." I let out a fake cry and plant my face down into the soft carpet.
He gasps, "how dare you! You pushed me first!" I laugh remembering how he fell off of the bed, "and now your laughing! Wow! I thought we were friends." He lets out a loud 'weh' and falls onto the carpet behind me, i laugh and get up, "whats wrong now?" I sigh defeated, "you wont be nice!" His whiney voice is hilarious so i let out another big laugh, i lay my body across his stomach, "oh shut up." I roll my eyes and he groans in pain, "get chur fat ass off me!" I laugh and roll higher onto his chest causing me to get heavier.
He pushes my shoulders, then he lays back down, sticks out his tongue and closes his eyes, "bleh," he opens his eyes, "im dead now." He shuts them tight agains and i let out a gasp, "omg! I killed james! Oh no! I have to hide the body!" I get off of him and pick his up bridal style, "no no no!" He screams trying to get out of my grasp, "im alive, i swear!" I laugh and pretend to not hear him, i open my door and walk down the stairs.
I walk into the backyard and start walking to the pool, he gasps knowing where i was going.
"No! No! No! Grayson no!" He screams pushing my chest trying to get me to stop, "grayson, dont do it, look, im alive, talking," i get right next to the pull letting him slip, "NO GRAY-"i drop him inside and burst out laughing, he comes up looking mad as ever, "you fucking dick! You ruined my make-up!" His eyelashes were floating around and his mascara was running down his face.
"Wait gray, come here..." I shake my head knowing his ideas, he starts crying so i squat down and reach for his face, "no, no, no, im so-" my body is cooled off by the pool water and I immediately rush to the top, once I'm there i take a deep breath.
"Oh you little!" I tackle him into the water and we laugh, then he shivers and we walk into the house dripping.
I run to get towels and bring them back so we can dry off, "need clothes?" I ask drying my hair, he nods and wipes his face, leaving black on the sky blue towel. Grab his towel and lead him upstairs, i open my closet and pull a neon orange hoodie and some black shorts.
I grab myself something and a new towel to take a shower, "finish Moana, ill be in the shower." He nods and i walk into the bathroom.
I change quickly into the clothes and sit on the bed, i restart Moana and watch the movie.
Then, grayson walks out, his towel hanging low revealing his deep v-line. My eyes widen and my breath hitches.
Holy mother of mother fucking wow...
I cant speak, or breath, and my heart is beating rapidly and loudly. I brush my fingers through my wet hair and lay back enjoying the view. Then, suddenly he looks at me, my face flushes and he smirks.
He closes the closet changing in there.
I let a breath out and flush even a deeper red then before, i run my hands through my hair again.
Holy mother, fuck, why the hell is grayson so hawt?!
This chap is long and im proud, holy jeez, this chap was super cute jus like my readers -3-

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