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Sara was known to be a rebel when she was a teen. She would party with Oliver and Tommy, get home drunk and would eventually be grounded. She was always adventurous; always breaking the rules. Hangover was a familiar feeling, but one she hasn't felt in a while. Her head started pounding the moment she opened her eyes and she tried to nurse it with a tall cup of coffee but it never went away.

The mornings in the mansion were quiet. She would always wake before Ava or Laurel just to feel peace even for a short while. She would sit in the patio as she listened to the birds chirping and the winds blowing; a tradition she and Ava used to do back when they were married. Recently, she has been going just to reflect and connect with the world.

The mansion had the finest backyard. It was wide, good for get-togethers and barbeques with friends. The marble floor, the swimming pool Laurel really loved and the mini garden always seem to breathe life back into her whenever she felt down or uncertain.

She needed this more than the other days because last night, she did the stupidest thing she could possibly do: she kissed Ava; she kissed her ex-wife. She prayed so many times that she would forget that mistake in the morning. A part of her hoped that she had gotten herself too drunk to remember but it wasn't the case. Instead, she woke up with a hangover and without any self-respect left.

Sara wished she could take all of it back, the kiss, the breakdown. It all happened too fast and out of unstable emotions. She knew she wasn't thinking clearly because if she was, she would never have kissed Ava. They were in a good place, they were starting to become friends again but she just ruined all of it. The timing of it was the worst thing. Laurel needs them now more than ever and they couldn't afford to make mistakes especially something like this that could certainly affect their relationship with each other.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the cold air. She lets her mind ease as she focused on the things around her. Now that her senses are fully aware of her environment, she meditates, letting her mind wander, searching for a focus point.



It was a requirement for her to attend trial today, not technically but Amaya was to testify that the accused was not guilty for the crime he committed. It doesn't start until 30 minutes later but she had to drop off a binder and a file case Laurel left when she stayed at her apartment for the night. Since it was urgent, she had no choice but to come early.

She sat at the bench outside the courtroom, checking on e-mails when her stomach started to churn. She missed breakfast today, intentionally, because she didn't want to be there when Gwen wakes, girl she met at a random bar. They hooked up a couple of times but she didn't want to send the wrong message. She wasn't the commitment type and even a smart and sweet girl like Guinevere cant change her mind.

Then she remembers there was a café not a minute walk away from the courthouse so she grabs her purse after deciding to grab a bite to eat. Preoccupied with her phone, she accidentally hit someone the moment she turns around. A loud thud echoed as a couple of things fell on the floor.

"What the!" the other woman crouched to pick up her binders and papers. "What is wrong with you?" Sara crouched down to help as well. After grabbing her stuffs, the tall blonde stood up to straighten her suit.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you" Sara levels the papers before she handed it to her.

"Maybe if you stopped staring at your phone for a moment then you could've seen me" the other woman was clearly unhappy. She harshly grabs the paper from Sara and inserted it in the binder. She continued ranting about how Sara was careless and lacked focus.

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