Chapter XIX

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Sara never sleeps in. She would always wake up at 5 am on the dot – a little later than Ava. Her job requires her to have plenty of preparation before the sun rose. Being a cop was a tough job, but being a mom to their one year old was something else entirely.

Every morning she would roll over to an empty but warm side of the bed that was Ava's and before could open her eyes she already knows exactly where her wife was. She would arrive in their house gym after Ava's run, just in time for her to have the treadmill. After her routine, Sara would take a bath, get dressed and go to the living room to coordinate schedules with Ava. It had been like that since the first month they were married.

At first, Sara hated how strict and disciplined Ava was with regards to schedule but now that they have Laurel, she was grateful. Their time management skills were so on point that it saved them from complications countless of times. Their productivity was optimized and they had free time to spend with family.

Today however, was a different story. Sara rolled over to a big, hard lump on the usual empty side of the bed. She shot straight up knowing how cranky Ava could get when she's late. She checks the clock at the bedside table and it read 6:45 am. They weren't just late, they were screwed.

"Ava" she whispered. "Ava wake up! We slept in" she grabbed her shoulder and waist and rocked her gently.

"We never sleep in" Ava replied, her voice muffled by the pillow and duvet.

Last night, was their scheduled date night. They both decided to stay home and have a romantic dinner by the pool. They stayed up late to finish the bottle of wine they opened while watching a movie. Halfway through the bottle they started kissing that eventually lead to something more.

Sara's head was throbbing and her body was aching all over. If it were up to her, she would go back to sleep and call in sick. However, she knows she will never hear the end of it when Ava gets back to her senses.

"Ava! We're running late! Get up" She tried to pull the covers off of her but Ava wouldn't budge. She grabbed the closest pillow she could find and slammed it as forcefully as she can – or attempted to, because she only mustered enough strength to piss her wife off.

"Geez relax babe" Ava scoffed. "It's not that bad right? Its only-"Sara jumped when Ava cursed out loud.

"Why didn't you tell me it was 7?! SEVEN Sara!" Ava scrambles out of the bed followed by a string of curses.

Sara would've gotten up too however the sight of Ava's bare body left her stunned. She couldn't help but be amused by her wife picking up their clothes from the floor. She was extremely red from anger. It's one of those moments where nothing else mattered but the intimate moments the shared.

"Let's stay home" she suggests. Ava stops from her tracks.

"Are you serious?" Ava shot her with a daggered look. "Sara even though I want to, we can't. We have so much to do" for Ava that might be true, but Sara doesn't have a case and all she had to do was finalize paperwork. She knew it was childish but she desperately wants alone time with her.

"Come on Aves" she gets up and takes Ava's free hand and pulls her closer. "I don't have a case today. Let's call in sick" she kisses the back of her wife's hand and caressed it gently.

"Sara you know I can't do that. I have tons of meetings to –" before she could finish Sara pulls her to her lap. The clothes in Ava's other hand fall back to the floor. Despite their height difference, she managed to trail kisses on the taller blonde's shoulder.

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