Chapter 18

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

Because of suspicion to the vampires' choice of foods for normal humans, they all agreed to eat outside of the village, or as Anna said in her own words, "Way, way, way far away."

While eating in a fairly isolated place away from Luanr, the group discussed the vampires.

"I'm getting kind of suspicious of the citizens of Luanr," Hiccup said, furrowing his brow.

"No," Merida drawled sarcastically. "I'm sure that what we've been through for the past twenty-four hours is perfectly normal for average villagers to do to their guests."

"No, I mean yes- I mean... just hear me out!" Hiccup threw his hands up in the air. "What I'm trying to say is, was the village of Luanr always like that? Run by vampires? Or did they have real, actual, ordinary people living there before?"

"You've raised a good point, Hiccup," Jack said. "People haven't really heard of Luanr a lot until the Black Dragon attacked it."

"And that's another thing," Hiccup said. "Do you really think that the Black Dragon came there?"

"Yes," Galaxy said. "Vampires choose to live in solitude. They wouldn't want all the attention if they had the choice. I think what Bruce said was true, about the Black Dragon only destroying a small part of the village. I don't know why the Black Dragon would do that, though. Its attacks are usually big and catastrophic."

"Do you think that there have been other...victims that came here before us?" Anna said.

"I think so," Galaxy said. "But I doubt there were a lot. Like I've said, vampires don't want to attract attention, and if people are suddenly going missing everywhere all at the same time, there's definitely going to be attention on it, which answers Hiccup's other question if there were once humans in Luanr. The answer is yes."

"So what did they eat when there were no...victims?" Rapunzel asked. "I don't think that they'll wait weeks, months, maybe even years for a human to come."

"When vampires don't have any humans to eat," Galaxy said. "They go hunt for whatever is in the forest, whether it be mice, deer, birds, practically anything that has blood and meat."

"Speaking of blood and meat," Hannah said, reaching into the sack of their food. "I think it's time for us to eat breakfast." She looked up at the still-dark sky. "It's still dark, but that'll be extra time for us to make up for the hours we lost back in Luanr."

"It's a good thing the vampires didn't steal this," Anna said. "If they did, we'd be dead!"

"Anna, don't be melodramatic," Elsa sighed. "You know how to hunt, so if we ever did come across something like that, we'll be able to figure it out."

"Or are you too lazy for that?" Jack smirked to an indignant Anna.

"I'll have you know that I'm not lazy!" Anna huffed. "I am perfectly capable of hunting just as well as the next knight."

"Whatever you say, Anna," Jack shrugged, but his teasing look never left his face. Anna rolled her eyes and continued eating her meal.

"Guys, back me up on this, do you know how to hunt?" Anna asked.

The group nodded.

"Isn't that one of the required things you have to know how to do?" Hiccup said.

"Yes," Galaxy nodded. "It's a mandatory thing in all of the knight schools."

"I would expect it to be," Hannah said. "Because if ever a situation comes up and you have no food and no knowledge of hunting, you might as well be a dead man."

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