~Chapter four~

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Izuku pov

   We finally finished our food and threw the garbage away, and we started to talk about my dream.

"Woah so, lemme get this straight, you dreamed all this stuff, and it all really happened?" Uraraka asked rather bewildered.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking it's a crazy coincidence since I don't have any future telling quirk or anything.."

"No way!! You must have like, a crazy second quirk!!" She shouted. A few people gave us looks.

"But there have never been any reports or anyone in the world even showing signs of a second quirk...." I trailed off, One for all was given to me, so I need to be careful with my words. Could I really have a quirk after all..? Maybe I could just be a super late bloomer. But then again, there have also been no reports ever of someone's quirk manifesting as late as my age..

"Yeah but what's up with that dream coming true like that? It can't just be a coincidence." She argued back.

"Yeah I guess your right, but I can't confirm it or anything."

"Why don't you just wait a few more days, see if the dreams keep happening, and come true the next day, then you'll know if it's actually something, Kero."
Tsu suggested. Man why didn't  I think of that? By the look on Uraraka's face, she didn't think of it either.

"Y-yeah.." I snapped out of my thoughts. "That's a good idea."


I sat in my dorm room bed trying to comprehend the whole thing. Do I really have a "second" quirk? Or could it really just be my actual quirk, but just really, really, late ?
I don't know. I'm just kinda excited to sleep, I really hope I have another dream, it was so cool seeing my dream happen in real life, even it wasn't necessarily "good".

I decided it was fine to go to bed early. I changed out of my uniform and plopped down onto my bed, got under the covers and tried to fall asleep.
"I TRIED TO KISS HIM AND HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!!" Kirishima was complaining as Sero was trying to make sure he was okay, while Mina and Kaminari where laughing their asses off.

"Pushed is a strong word, I prefer to call it, giving you a little nudge." Bakugou retorted.

"sometimes I wonder why it was you I fell for smh"
Sero walked into the room with his hair all sticking up on end in different directions and he seemed really dazed. Kaminari was walking with him.

"I'm sorry!! I really didn't mean to!!"

"Kaminari what you'd do to Sero he looks like death." Mina commented.

"You can't blame me it was the first time I kissed anyone I didn't know that would happen!!"

"WaOAH whAaT" Mina started to scream like someone was about to stab her. Bakugou eventually heard and walked over to the three.

"What's going on here? Why is raccoon eyes screaming "My otp"? Why is tape face look like he's been electrocuted? Why is pikachu crying??"


"And what is the answer to number 7....Todoroki?" Present Mic asked.

I looked over in Todoroki's direction to see him just kinda spacing out, looking into nothingness.


No response

Present Mic started to walk over to his desk. He bent down so his head was at Todoroki's level. He inhaled.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!" He yelled into his ear. Todoroki immediately snapped out of whatever weird trance he was in and almost fell out of his seat, but he barely kept his balance.

"I expected better from a student like you Mr.Todoroki." He said as he walked up back to the front of the classroom. Todoroki just sat there, dazed.


I woke up feeling very rested, I fel pretty excited to get up, soon after my phone dinged like it always does.

Uravity created a chat: dream chat thing
Uravity added: Ribbit
Uravity added: Deku
Uravity has sent a public message.

Uravity: Deku, did you have any dreams????

Deku: Yes I did

Uravity: tell me!!

Deku: okay so to sum it up Kirishima came running up the stairs saying "I tried to kiss him and he pushed me down the fucking stairs." And Bakugou saod it wasn't a push it was a nudge.

And Sero came in with his hair up like he was electrocuted and then Kaminari said "it's not my fault I've never kissed anyone."
I decided I wouldn't tell her the one about Todoroki.

Deku: *said

Uravity: well the only thing left is to wait!!!

Ribbit: I'm not surprised about the Bakugou thing tbh.


I arrived at Todoroki's dorm and knocked. He opened the door and greeted me with the same smile he does everyday. A sweet smile. He doesn't say anything about yesterday, he doesn't seem mad at me either, I think things will be alright.

Once we make it to the campus I sit impatiently in my seat, I'm waiting for all these things to happen, buck just have this terrible feeling in my stomach. I feel very anxious. A few moments later I felt a little relieved when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was none other than Todoroki.

"About yesterday.." he started to say,
Oh no, is he mad at me? I hope he doesn't get mad at me for keeping him up, gosh what if he doesn't want to be friends anymore?? What if he stops talking to me completely and starts to ignore me-

Deep breaths.

"I'm sorry about how I probably acted because I was tired, and don't try blaming yourself, I don't regret helping you at all. Mr.Aizawa said I could retake it after a week anyway so it's okay." He told me with a soft smile.

"A-ah..I'm glad things are Okay" I said, returning his smile.

"You still feel bad don't you?" He adds.

"Yeah. Kinda. I wish I was more responsible and smarter then I wouldn't had to ask you anything.."

"Oh Izuku, you are smart, but not everyone gets everything. It's okay not to know everything, or to not understand everything." He told me.

"Yeah. Thank you Sho." I gave him a nice smile. "Your very sweet."

Authors Notes and Comments

* Hey it's author two here. PayDayGo3t !! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter uwu
* What will happen too our two boys hmm
* Also please read my books I mean what
A/N from Wiley: thank you to my b again for editing my stufff

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