19| S I G H I N G

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Chapter Nineteen

The feeling of freedom can be expressed through a variety of emotions and actions which cause the strong feeling

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The feeling of freedom can be expressed through a variety of emotions and actions which cause the strong feeling. Whether the feeling is for the right or wrong reason it can drag you through a spiral of darkness which has you numb to other haunting emotions. Otherwise the feeling of freedom will lead you into a meadow, surrounding you with the happiest memories, memories which are currently being created or memories from the past.

People find freedom in many forms depending on their current time and space. Whether it's to take the pain away with drugs sending you into freedom or simply holding your hand out the car, feeling the cool wind flow between your fingertips. Everyone's sense of freedom varies from person to person. Yet watching Harry carry his feet towards me on the rooftop filled me with my own sense of freedom.

Freedom I want to share with Harry. His words confirm my emotions with the whisper of a sentence I've been needing without even realising I did. The wind blew those words into the air blocking out Mason and his men's shuffling to contain the traitor.

The words continue to swirl throughout my thoughts as now my feet are currently placed on Harry's wooden floor in his room. After the immense scenes of before we both stand quietly peering at each other from under our eyelashes. A smile on my face with certain red tinged cheeks. Soft, loving words before hand from Harry's plump pink lips.

As he spoke the words which melted the slight fear I had of him completely which forces a tumble of butterflies to flutter in my stomach. The whisper of, "Elora, I care for you so much you have no idea. As wrong as it should be, I can't simply hate you. I'm doubting who I thought you were... I know I'm doubting myself. You're an innocent soul, love. My innocent soul if you wish?"

Staring at him now thinking of his gentle and honest words my face starts to heat up. I knew this was wrong, falling for my kidnapper and someone who has completely disrespected me who I truly am. At least he acknowledges that these feelings shouldn't be but can't be stopped. I had millions of questions but all I want is an apology.

The thousands of tear drops which have sprung from my green eyes due to Harry's actions and words still hurt, however much I believe that I am stronger. I'm not weak anymore but everyone has a limit, and it was broken a fair few times, too many to count. Yet as I stand looking at his large, strong form I can see within his eyes that he's sorry. It's just too hard for him to speak the words I want and need to hear.

All I want right now is him to understand my feelings of him which we mutually share. The words I wish to hear I'll be able to wait. Waiting and hoping for that time I fully appreciate him and truly care for him as him. As Harry.

Stepping closer, his footsteps cause the floorboards to creak in his bedroom, I can feel his minty breath fan across my face. Alone, just Harry and I, wishing this Eradication is over. Pushing a piece of hair behind my ear I look up at him smiling as I see his genuine smile gracing his lips. I like this side of Harry.

"Harry," I breathlessly say peering into his emeralds. "I can't help it either. I feel— I feel the same way as you," I blush. "I like you, a lot and I just don't want this feeling inside here," I say pointing to my heart, "to go away any time soon."

His hand slowly and softly grasps the side of my cheek as his eyes sparkle with freedom. I am his freedom and he is mine. Freedom and the wish to escape this Eradication with the two of our beating hearts.

"I've tried to push you away countless of times and every one of those moments all I feel is regret. I don't want you to leave, ever. You're meant to be here, by my side."

With the last few parting words Harry closes the distance agonisingly slow. The touch of his soft lips with mine has my hand finding the back of his neck. His curls feeling soft against the palm of my hand. My fingers curl themselves within his silky strands. The kiss is slow, filled with many emotions igniting the feelings I wished to hold back. Tormented by the thoughts and understanding that this was wrong. However, right now, in this moment, Harry's plump lips against mine has never felt so right.

Slowly he pulls away resting his forehead against mine with his eyes closed in thought. Removing my hand I find the front of his t-shirt holding on, wishing this moment to never end. My heavy breathing and fast beat only confirms how much he effects me. Sighing Harry chuckles quietly his stomach tensing as I feel his stern abs. Tilting my head back I blush.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that. Complete torture, I should've done it sooner." He says whole heartily.

"Why didn't you?" I smile letting go of his crumpled shirt.

"I was scared. I don't want to hurt you, or you get hurt because of me and what I'm involved in," he says shoving his hand through his hair beginning to sit on the edge on the bed.

"You taught me how to shoot, I've never been safer before in an Eradication until I've met you. Regardless of your constant threats," I softly say walking towards his slumped form on the bed. "I admit I was scared at the start but when I started to truly understand and know you, I knew you wouldn't harm me. I trusted you before you even knew it."

"You don't truly understand, your mother, Heather, there's things you don't know about her. She's hidden a dark side of her from you Elora. Believe me."

"Well tell me and I'll see if I believe you," I whisper sitting beside him and pulling his hands away from his head which rests of them.

Suddenly there's a loud pounding at the door startling me as I quickly sit up straight staring at the wooden barrier. Harry simply stands up taking two steps towards the sound with a gruff command of, "come in!"

The door swings open as I'm meet with similar green eyes to Harry. Gulping I silently cast my eyes towards my hands which can't seem to stay still. His presence is one to fear no matter if he's Harry father. Mason. I'm sure Harry can agree.

"We're interrogating the traitor, you are to join us. So is she," he says darkly nodding towards my small form.

"I don't think that's necessary, she won't be able to help us father," Harry cautiously speaks.

"It's an order not a question son, I think she can learn a few things about how we interrogate people for when it's her time. Meet me in the old dinning room."

"Alright, we'll be down soon," Harry grits out as his father closes the door.

Staring at Harry's emeralds my freedom seems to fade away as long as we're both near his father and under his roof. With a shake of curls and a kick to the wall, a huge hole is left much like the hole Mason has drilled into me. I can only hope Harry can mend the immense fear I have of his father and his cruel plans.


Heyyy look at that an update. So I have recovered from my immense hangover and a week of work, first time clubbing was absolutely amazing since you can go once you turn eighteen in Australia. It wasn't like the movies but it was close enough!

T H O U G H T S ?

L I K E   C O M M E N T   A N D   S H A R E

C W   X X

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