Demons - Part One *Billy Hargrove x Reader*

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Warnings: Physical abuse, language, loooots of angst

Everybody has their secrets; everybody has their demons.

Even you, little miss perfect grades and perfect hair and perfect everything. At least, that's how everyone at Hawkins High saw you, and that's how you wanted it. You spent day in and day out wearing a mask of happiness, hiding behind your grades and your stupid boy problems and your fake innocence so the world didn't have to brave the truth.

You've spent countless nights comforting yourself, trying to make yourself out to be better than you were, but you knew, you knew the truth. You always kept your friends at a comfortable distance. Never letting them get close enough to see the real you because the real you was broken; she was ugly and angry and scared of the world... scared of home.

Sometimes you felt like Hawkins wouldn't miss you if you just disappeared, just up and left and didn't look back, until you met Billy Hargrove.


It was a cold, rainy Friday night.

You were running late as you sped through the streets of Hawkins, fear building in your throat like the unyielding wind swirling through the air, battering the trees: breaking limbs and stripping away leaves. Your knuckles were bone white as they gripped the steering wheel like a vice, the dull throbbing of old bruises on your wrist clouding your mind as you slammed your foot even harder on the gas.

The speed-o-meter crawled to a hundred until you approached the neighborhood, slowing down to a safe twenty. As the car slowed down, your heart sped up, and you could feel the uneasiness rise in your throat when you caught sight of home.

All of the lights were off in the house as you pulled into the driveway, save the artificial glow of the TV coming from the living room window. You didn't even notice the moving truck across the street, or the family playing happy as they moved boxes into the house. All of your focus was on getting your body out of the car and straight into hell.

You tried to keep your arrival quiet: gingerly closing the car door, not bothering to lock it to avoid the car alarm, practically tiptoe-ing to the front door when—

"Hey, sweetheart! Guess we're neighbors, huh?" a loud voice called from across the road.

Stopping dead in your tracks, you felt your heart sink into your chest. So much for a quiet entrance. Spinning on your toes, you plastered a bright smile on your face, forcing yourself to let out a small giggle, "Yeah, I guess so!"

Your eyes landed on a boy, about your age, walking across the street toward you and if he wasn't the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen. He held himself with confidence as he stared you down with sultry eyes, a smirk playing on his lips that held a lit cigarette between them. Smoke wafted above him before being swept away by the wind, and you couldn't help it when your eyes flashed nervously down to his exposed chest and back up to his face, which held something playful in his expression.

He stopped just in front of you, so close you could feel the heat radiating off of his sun-kissed skin, and you could feel the blush rising in your cheeks.

"I'm Billy, Billy Hargrove." He extended his hand nonchalantly, shooting you a wink as his eyes twinkled in the setting sunlight.

You took it, surprised by how gentle his touch was. "(Y/N)."

He leaned down toward you so the both of you were at eye-level, that stupid smirk still dancing on his lips as he took a long drag from his cigarette. "Nice to meet you sweethea-"

"Billy get your dumb ass over here and help!" a high-pitched voice yelled from across the street. You tore your gaze from Billy's bright blues to see a little girl with fiery red hair and an even fierier attitude.

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