Daddy *Soldier 76 x Reader*

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Warnings: Foul language and sexual tension(ish???)

"Hey Athena?" you call, an empty bag of chips clutched loosely between your fingers.

You are draped not-so-elegantly over the plush cushions of the couch with Hana sitting on the floor with her back against the couch and Lucio mindlessly gliding his feet up and down the wall as he lies on the floor, dressed in only his skates and his lime green frog boxers.

His gun lies on the side table to your right, acting as a stereo as it softly pumps out his latest vibe-y tunes to fill the silence.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"We're bored. Is there anything we can do that won't wake up half of the compound?"

A couple seconds pass by as Athena "thinks".

"Well, I can show you old photos of the team? Back when all of the higher-in-command were in their prime?"

Lucio shoots up at her suggestion, his skates letting out a low "Shwoo" with each of his movements, "Now that sounds interesting."

"Hell yeah. I've always wondered what Reaper looked like before the edge lord phase kicked in," you joked, earning a snort from Hana.

You all crowd in front of the TV, patiently waiting for Athena to display the first image.

When she finally does, the three of you can't hold in your shock.

"Holy shit! Doctor Angela doesn't look like she's aged a day!"

"I'm jealous. Even Korean skin care can't get you that far."

"I'm telling you she's got some low brow voodoo shit going on, man."

"Oh, wait! Look at young little Mccree!"

"I didn't think it was possible but he actually looks even more like a cocky shit there than he does now."

"I feel like I would have hated him."

"Yeah honestly me, too."

After making fun of McCree for another minute or two, Athena finally moves on to the next picture, and your jaw rightly drops at the magnificent sight.

A hush falls over the room, the three of you staring at the picture before Lucio lets out a loud, disbelieving, "What the fuck?!"

There, in all of its HD glory, stands a youthful man with a jawline that can make even the likes of Hercules insecure. His shirt, thankfully, is off and he is glisteningly wet, the sun in the background accentuating every muscular curve and slope that adorns his sculptured body. A beautiful, clear lake spans behind him and his still-damp hair falls into his gorgeous blue eyes like satin with the corners upturned from the smile that stretches across his tan, dimpled cheeks.

You can't help the blush that adorns your cheeks as you admire him.

This man, whoever the hell he is, is h o t.

Hana's voice is practically a screech as she speaks, her eyes as wide as saucers as she looks at the screen in wild disbelief, "Who the hell is that?! I don't know anyone on the team that looks anything like that!"

Athena is quick to clarify, "That is Commander Morrison while the team was away on a short vacation at the Great Lakes."

Lucio slaps the wall in disbelief, "Morrison? As in Jack Morrison? As in Soldier 76 Jack Morrison?!" before holding his head in his hands, hardly managing to comprehend what was happening.

"Yes. That is the man under the mask albeit twenty years younger," Athena states.

A couple shocked seconds pass by before Hana manages to tear her eyes from the picture to look at your reaction after noticing your uncharacteristic silence. Her expression immediately shifts from one of confused questioning to something of a sly smirk as she speaks, "You okay (Y/N)? You're being awfully quiet over there."

Lucio lifts his head from his hands, an expression resembling Hana's quickly shaping his face, "Dude, I think she's in love."

You laugh at his words and nod your head in confirmation, "C'mon guys, you have to admit that Morrison was Daddy as fuck."

Lucio chokes at your words, "He was what now?"

Barely stifling your laughter, you practically yell towards Lucio, "I said that Jackwas Daddy as fuck! And not going to lie, he still kind of is! Real silver fox! Especially if that's how he looks with the fucking mask off, hot damn! That's one sexy DILF I'd like to bang!"

Hana's eyes widen once more, but this time in horror as you and Lucio burst out into hysterical laughter, him practically rolling on the ground and you gripping at your sides for support.

Suddenly, the door slides open and heavy footsteps mix with your fading laughter.

Turning to see who had walked in, your stomach drops to your feet when you see none other than the masked vigilante-turned-leader himself, Jack Morrison.


A tense hush falls over the room as Jack looks from the three of you–his eyes lingering on you a few second longer than the others–to the picture of him still displayed on the TV monitor.

Embarrassed at the situation, you can only pray (unrealistically) that he hadn't heard what you just very loudly said about him.

Slowly, almost menacingly, his right hand reaches up towards his visor before he grasps the sides and pulls it down just enough for you to see his electric blue eyes. They glow–bright and mischievous–as they stare right into your own. You can literally feel the heat burning your cheeks a bright red and your hands grow clammy at the intensity of his gaze.

Despite a few wrinkles and the scar that slashes the skin across his forehead, you can still see the handsomeness reflected in his features.

This man has aged like fine wine.

With bated breath, you watch as he cocks a single eyebrow toward you, his voice coming out like deep, gravelly silk as he teases, "Silver fox, huh? Well you're not too bad yourself, (Y/L/N)," before shooting you a wink and turning on his heel, leaving the three of you in another stunned silence.

Of course, Lucio is the first one to recover, laying a distressed hand against his cheek as he exclaims, "God damn! That man may be thirty years older than me but he has a thousand times more game!"

"Oh my god look at (Y/N)! I think he broke her!" Hana shouts, waving a hand in front of your steaming face to try and get some kind of reaction but to no avail.

Lucio slaps his other hand over his opposite cheek as he watches Hana try and fail to get you to come back to Earth, "Someone call a doctor!"

After what feels like hours, you slowly let yourself sink down into your seat, covering your face with your hands as you struggle to process what the fuck just happened. Weak at the joints, you look at your best friends between the cracks of your fingers,

"I am never going to be able to look him in the eye again."

Letting out a soft giggle, Hana rests a hand against her forehead as she sighs, "Honey, I don't think any of us will."

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