Shatter *Delsin Rowe x Reader*

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Warnings: Violence and angst with a side of flirty fluff!

It was hard being a conduit.

At every turn, danger awaited you as you roamed the streets of Seattle.

An outcast, a threat, a target; that's what you were in the eyes of the D.U.P..

They always shot first.

The blood on your hands wasn't your fault. If you had the choice you would never kill again, but they forced you to become the monster they thought you were with their guns and concrete bombs. And there was no way in hell you were going to go back to Curdun Cay. You were done being one of Augustine's little lab rats. Done being poked and prodded for the powers you possessed.

When Hank wrecked the D.U.P truck a couple weeks back, you ran like hell with Fetch and Eugene. You fought your way to freedom before tailing it away from them, too. The three of you may have fought together to survive, but none of their actions were done with any concern for anyone else but themselves. You couldn't trust them.

And now, you stood alone in the middle of the street, surrounded by a swarm of D.U.P brain-dead soldiers as you took your last stand. You weren't going back to Curdun Cay, you'd either survive, or die fighting.

Power coursed through your veins as you stared down the D.U.P..

They took the first shot.

Then all hell broke loose.

Focusing your power into your hands, you sent a wave of sharp glass straight at a cluster of soldiers, tearing them to shreds. A bullet tore through the back of your shoulder and you turned toward the source, blasting a shard bomb straight at the man. His remains cascaded with the explosion. You tore up flesh, blew up cars, scaled buildings, and threw down men, but they kept on coming and coming and coming.

Eventually, you ran low on fuel, cornered by a swarm of soldiers in an alleyway with no way to escape. In a last ditch effort to survive, you pulled out your last trick. The exertion to pull it off could kill you, but it was all you had left: The Crystal Hellfire. Mustering every drop of energy in your battered and bruised body, you launched yourself into the air, floating like an angel as all of the windows on buildings and cars in a half-mile radius shattered instantaneously, the small fragments flying toward you, building on one another until large shards of glass circled around your glowing form. With a piercing cry, your arms spread open like wings as you spiraled violently in the air, reigning the spears down on the men, piercing straight through them from head to toe, and staking them to the ground with a sickening crunch.

Collapsing onto your knees, you gasped in haggard breaths as you stared at your surroundings. It was horrible, disastrous carnage. All of it.

It sickened you to your stomach as you glared at your handiwork, but the quiet that settled over the scene helped ease your upset heart.

"I see the target!"

Your blood ran cold. There were more.

Another wave of D.U.P. circled around you like hungry sharks.

Exhausted, completely drained, and stricken with grief, you closed your eyes and accepted death, waiting for the onslaught of bullets that would soon rip through your aching body.

But the shots never came.

Your eyes flashed open in confusion as the terrified yells of the soldiers reached your ears.

"It's him, the smoke conduit!"

Your gaze scanned your surroundings, searching for Hank, but finding a mysterious man floating in ash as he took down the D.U.P.s with lethal blow after lethal blow instead.

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