Happy Little Accident *Billy Hargrove x Reader*

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Warnings:  Ungodly amounts of angst and fluff. Foul language.

Sure, you and Billy Hargrove have fun. But... do you love him?

You're not sure.

And yet, here you are, sitting with trembling fingers on the cold tiled floor of your bathroom with your knees pulled up to your chest, alone, as you wait for the fucking plastic test to tell you if you're pregnant or not.

It was safe to say that this is not how you were planning on spending your Saturday.

You wanted to spend some time with Steve, your twin brother, who you almost never see because he hates being in the house, he got a job at the mall, and ever since you started dating Billy, the both of you have had a hard time seeing eye-to-eye. That's partially your fault, though. You knew about their dumb rivalry, you knew how they couldn't stand each other, but you had thought that maybe they could put aside their differences after all this time.

Inevitably, they couldn't.

If that test reads positive, your eyes shifted to the device, they're going to have to... one way or another.

Fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, you stared at the ceiling, counting the seconds in your head.

A few more minutes slipped by you in the span of what felt like hours, and you shakily got to your feet and grabbed the device. Sucking in a deep, wavering breath, you braced yourself before looking at the test. This was the defining moment, and every fiber in your being hoped that the test read negative.

Of course, life heard your prayers and said fuck you.

The test was positive.

Letting out a cry of anguish, you let the test slip through your fingers as you sunk to your knees, clutching yourself tightly as you wept.

What were you going to do? Were your parents going to kick you out? What is Steve going to say? What is Billy going to say?


Your eyes flashed as your head shot up in surprise.

Speak of the devil.

Terrified, you violently wiped the tears from your cheeks before standing up and glancing at yourself in the mirror. You looked horrible. He would know something was wrong in a second. Your hands started to shake again as you began to panic. You weren't ready for him to know yet.

You weren't ready for him to leave you.

Lunging forward, you desperately tried to hit the lock on the door but it was too late and it was swinging open and you were falling but Billy was there and he caught you.

His touch triggered the water works and then you were sobbing.

You sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed into his chest as he held you close to himself.

His touch was familiar, and usually, it was comforting, but now you only reminded you of everything that you had to lose because of this baby. And then you knew... you knew that you loved Billy Hargrove.

He was shocked by your tears, to say the least. He was also worried about you and angry at whoever made you cry like this. He didn't know that he was the one to blame.

He held you until you calmed down, your sobs reducing to weak sniffles, before pushing you gently away from him to look into your red, puffy eyes.

"(Y/N), what happened?"

His eyes were soft and filled with light as he looked at you, and you could feel your will caving.

You had to tell him.

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