Kai- field

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I scrumpled my already scrumpled hair more as I though with all my might, how to solve this question.
How the do I find vector GH in terms of l and m of half the values aren't even given? What is math?
I groaned for the umpteenth time now in disappointment. Suddenly something came to my mind, I felt a huge wave of satisfaction flow over me as I was milliseconds away from pinpointing the perfect method to find the answer then, I went completely blank. Just like that, when I was right there holding the pen ready to write, all my knowledge weathered away.
Absolute fuckery. This is absolute fuckery.
I slammed the book shut loud enough to startle kai to the core, making him look up at me with big eyes. I put my head down on the table and sulked, for this great loss I've faced.

He walked up to me and knocked on my head.
'Anyone in there?'
'Not at the least of it,' I scowled
He didn't reply. He brought his head down and tried to peek at me but I just turned the other way. He poked me but I shrugged, then he huffed and puffed and pulled my arm so suddenly that I didn't have time to react. He pulled me out the hall to the door and threw me a jacket, didn't even let me put on my shoes and ran out the door still holding my hand.

'KIM JONGIN,' I yelled. He did nothing but chuckle and continued dragging me all the way behind the house, to a huge section of grassy land that had been there, untouched for decades.
I stopped trying to have him let go of me because, what did I even have to lose? I need a break anyway.
We finally stopped when we both collapsed in what seemed the middle of the field. We both lay in the grass in the soft but bright sunlight, with a cool breeze sneaking past, our heads lay almost touching.

'What even was that,' I asked
'You've been dissolved into that textbook since 8am now. Your forgetting a very *cough* important *cough* person.' He answered.
'Oh is that it? You're jealous because my textbook is getting more attention than you?' I said teasing him. He shot a sour look at me.
'Awww don't worry drama queen, you're Kim kai after all.'

He looked away in a blank expression. I smiled at this fool. I stood up and let the breeze attack me with all it had, and took a very very deep breath. My entire body felt refreshed in an instant.
'Welp, time to go!' I turned around to leave but a strong arm pulled me smack to the ground.

O w,,,, I turned to face him with an annoyed face and he pouted at me, then pulled me close to his chest and suffocated me with hugs.

'Nice nice let me just choke and die here, sure why not,' I said. Once again, he only chuckled.

I snuggled my way out of his arms and stood up before he could pull me down again, and started running. Just running with all my force, I felt the cool grass slip through my toes which were still bare. I soon saw kai running behind me so I ran even faster. I laughed and giggled as I ran in circles driving him nuts
He soon caught onto me and we both got knocked over to the ground.

He had one arm extended out on the ground so I could lay my head on it and I cuddled into one side of his body. I lie with him with both my eyes closed but I could feel intense stare into the sky.

'What is it,' I asked
'I was just thinking about... us. What would happen to us in the future? What if I don't have you by my side-' he worried. I grabbed his face by the cheeks and turned him to face me.
'Hunny, don't worry about the future. You have me now so cherish that while you can' I advised.
His face immediately lit up and he smiled, then kissed me softly.
'I love you so much y/n'
'Yes yes I love you too'
OOO that was the first imagine I ever wrote and believe it or not, I'm a very romantic person and a soft Stan? I love angst and fluff but every one i read is well, pretty shitty lol so I'm writing my own :D I hope this works out sjsjs. Don't forget to request something bc my brain is trash k thanks bye

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