Baekhyun- Book store

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Sigh. Another year, another school. I was changing schools once again. I didn't really have a say with or against it because I never found it hard to adapt to all of the different kinds of environment, mainly because I never talk to anyone, ever. Not unless I've known them for awhile, and there's usually not enough time for that to happen.

I pulled up in my car at the bookstore the school told me to go for my textbooks and entered it. Shuffling through the aisles and glancing at signboards, I browsed everywhere and finished collecting everything written on my list except one book.

'Nineteen eighty four by George Owell' I chanted, looking everywhere for the novel.
'Nineteen eighty four by George Owell. Damnit where are you?' I continued looking in all the literature aisles and shelves. I flinched when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see a dude with big eyes and plump pinky lips. I didn't notice what was in his hand because I was completely distracted by his, well, face.

'Is this the book you're looking for?' He said, showing me a picture of the book from his phone.
'Yes! Ohmygod where can I find one?' I muttered
'Apparently they're out of stock for now, the next stock comes in next week.'
'Oh, thanks for telling me. I would've been looking for god knows how long.'
'Your welcome.'
He scanned the books in my trolley.
'Do you by chance go to HFS high?' He asked
'Yeah. My first day is next week actually.'
'I didn't think I'd seen you around. I go there too. I'm baekhyun by the way, byun baekhyun.'
'Oh, I'm y/n.'

After that he told me more about the school - a students point of view- and we shared class schedules and found out that most of our classes were together. Since we were both free we went out for lunch right after leaving the bookstore and we told each other about ourselves. The way he laughed was very, unique I'd say. He'd laugh with his mouth all the way open and I'd tell him he might swallow a fly making him laugh more.

'Would you want me to give you a personal school tour?'
' !!!YE- I mean yeah sure.'
To be honest, I felt completely out of control of myself whenever I talked to him. Why can't I get a hold of myself? It was like my mouth was shooting out matter all on itself. I even told him a bunch of embracing stories about me- what was I thinking? Why do I feel so obliged to tell him everything about me?

He offered to give me the 'tour' on our first day, which was in a week.
Today's the day, first day of school. I woke up to-
Who am I kidding I've been up all night thinking about that guy. What's wrong with me? Why do I suddenly care about what he thinks? Im someone who doesn't care what people think of me, I do what I what. Or atleast that's what I thought I was like. Byun baekhyun, what are you doing to me?
Maybe it was because I'm starting a new school i thought. But I'm used to this, starting a new school is no big deal.

I got ready for school, unconsciously choosing every piece of attire to match and look feminine enough but not too fancy, a look that says 'I like you but I don't care'.

I entered the big glass door of my new school gawking my eyes at every detail from the lockers, to the students, to the lights and the classroom doors. Once again I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see, the same large goofy dude.

'Hi,' he greeted, smiling.
'Hey there'
'Would you like to start our tour m'lady?'
'Sure m'gentlemen ?'
He did the big mouth laugh thing and we went around school. I'm going to say, I hardly concentrated on any of the things he was showing me. Mostly because I could feel my heart beating in my throat, nothing toO much.

'And thats about it.' He said. I nodded looking around.
We walked to class together, later had lunch. The end of the day was near. We were together pretty much all day, and walked towards the exit gate.

'So I'll see you around?'

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