Suho - Why not me

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creds to yeolology on twitter

Four times in two days. Somehow, your boyfriend had managed to run into her that many times, and you were grasping at the ends of the belief that it was just by chance now. You'd told yourself again and again that being jealous is not attractive, that micro-managing every part of Junmyeon's life would be horrible for your relationship, that you wouldn't accuse him of something you had no proof of...but this was niggling away in your mind like nothing else. You prodded the screen of your laptop where he was pictured sharing a coffee with Minseok and Nari, along with one of her group members, pouting and wrinkling your forehead. You studied her long graceful body, pointed chin, big eyes with their green contacts shining from as far away as the photo was taken, the long glossy black braid over her shoulder. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, and you could even see Minseok's almost dazed expression at her in the fancam photo. You looked to Junmyeon's pictured face, seeing that he'd been captured blurred. You groaned out loud - now you couldn't even tell what he was thinking from it.

But this coffee was just another incident; he'd been on an idol show with her yesterday, then at a launch party for one of the member's solo tracks, he was pictured with her again last night. You weren't invited to that party, as apparently it was members-only. You hadn't even had the chance to bring that up with him yet...

But you'd seen the idol show, the variety where he and Nari were paired as two separate group leaders to do a task together, and everyone gushed over how well they worked together.
"You would think you were a couple!" One of the hosts exclaimed, and rather than bring up you, his girlfriend, Junmyeon had simply laughed. And you had watched Nari as a big smile came onto her face as the host spoke, showering them with more couple-praise. You felt yourself turning into a green-eyed monster with jealousy, but you repressed it - God though, you wanted to scream at her to back off, even though you knew it was unreasonable. Everyone at SM knew Jun had a girlfriend, and you knew loads of them personally...however Nari wasn't from SM, and maybe that's why she didn't know. You and Junmyeon weren't public yet, even though it had been a year and a half.
Maybe that's what was fueling your jealousy in the first place.

"Babe, you home?" You sat up immediately slamming the laptop closed as he came into the room, fresh from work. His cheeks were rosy from the cold, his coat wrapped around him still as he started pulling off his scarf.
"Hey," You sighed, not wanting to bring up Nari. His face slightly crumpled in confusion at your lowered spirits.
"What's the problem?" You moved over on the bed, giving him space to sit.
"Nothing really." You muttered, but he wasn't having it. He turned and grabbed your ankles, jokingly pulling you towards him, but you wriggled away from his grip. "I'm not in the mood, Jun." His face fell at your sharp tone.
"Well, something is clearly wrong."
"It's nothing."
"We can't fix it if you don't tell me what it is."
"Fine." You relented, barely looking at him. "I've noticed that you're seeing Nari quite a lot." His eyebrows furrowed, and you continued, "I hate to be that person. I really do...but I can't help but see that this stunning, talented and famous coworker of yours is seeing you more than I am lately and it's hurting me."
"Are you kidding me?" You turned to look at him, a bit surprised by his reply.
"Are you kidding me? We're doing a collaboration with them - not that I have to explain myself for seeing a coworker." He stood up, his scarf that was previously in his lap fluttering to the floor. "Jesus Christ, (Y/N), if I'd thought it was about something so stupid I wouldn't have asked."
"It's not stupid, Jun!" You stood up too. "You know I'm never like this, so maybe that should indicate how much this is bothering me -"
"And you're an idiot for letting it bother you!" His voice raised, and you were rendered silent. "Oh my God. Seriously, how can you be this selfish - do you know the kind of day I've had? Do you know how much shit I've had to put up with from everyone today?" You could only look at him as you felt tears prick at your eyes. "And now I come home and I'm getting the same bull from you. God, can I not have just one day-" And with that, he stormed out the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. You stood with tears unwillingly leaking down your cheeks at his harsh words, dumbfounded. Junmyeon was never ever like that, the same way you never got jealous - and the same way that jealousy didn't suit you, anger and cutting remarks didn't suit him either. You were so stunned by his attitude that you did what you always did when you were upset and needed to cry - walked to the end of your bedroom, laptop under your arm, and opened up the wardrobe. The wardrobe was a room four feet wide and four feet long, coats and shoes and all sorts of pieces crammed inside, and it was a perfect cosy spot for nestling into when you were emotional. You burrowed into the corner, the wall padded by jumpers, coats hanging around you hiding you from the sight of anyone who might walk in. You sat your laptop down and set up your playlist, music quietly filling the tiny space, but not quite loud enough to mask the sound of your hiccups and sniffles as you buried your face into a warm sweatshirt that was beside you.
It seemed weird, and you knew it, but it was a private place to get all your crap feelings out, and when you played music, usually anybody who happened to walk into the bedroom wouldn't hear you crying.

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