Sehun- train

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'You- WhAt?!' I yelled.
'I accepted the job' sehun replied
'You're going to move to another city for it? Even that today? Without m-' I cried. Sehun sharply turned towards me in slight anger, with his hands on his hips.
'I've been dreaming of this job since I was 16 y/n. I've finally gotten the chance, if I have to move to another city I'll move.'
'Sehun! What about me? What about us? You know I can't just follow you there.'
'We'll work something out.'
'What do you mean 'work something out'?? Is this a joke to you? Do I mean that little to you?'. There was no reply
'OH SEHUN!' I yelled.
'My flight is tonight, I need to pack'
'Unbelievable. 2 years together for this. Fucking great.'  There was only the sound of sehun gathering his things.
'Well then, don't expect to hear from me. If you're going to treat me like this I'm done. Oh sehun we are done.' I said, trying to keep my voice stable as warm fluids flowed out of my eyes. I cant believe he's doing this to me, I thought we told each other everything.
'Y/n, don't be lik-' I slammed the door and left with my things. I stood still in front of the door. Come on sehun. Please just chase after me. There was no one other than me and my broken soul.

I got into my car and drove back to my house. I opened the door to a dark and cold apartment, almost dusty. I haven't been here in a while. I didn't want to be alone, I remembered my parents lived a bit far and I haven't visited them in a while, I booked train tickets and packed some comfy clothes. I told my maintenance guy I won't be home for a couple of days and left for the station.

I reached there a little early, I had 45 mins before my train would arrive. I haven't eaten all day- i waited all morning to eat with sehun until evening, then when he finally came home I was about to set up dinner when he revealed the news to me- and was starving. I walked to a cute little cafe in the station and ordered some snacks.
'Two iced americanos please.'
'Sorry what was that?'  The elderly barista asked.
'Two- ' two? But I was alone now. For once I was alone. 'One iced americano please.'
I really can't detach him from myself can I.

I sat down at a table and started eating my food. I started to remember all the cafe dates I had with that, that asshole. Did he even care about me? Did I really sacrifice all this for nothing? Why put up with me for two years then? Do I deserve this? What have I ever done wrong to him? I've been the best girl a guy could ask for. I was caring, loving, funny, jealous at times. Is this what I get? The burden of all those feelings took over me and tears once again fell from my cheeks. I tried to hide it since we were in public. Wait no, I was in public. I. Just me. Single unloved me. The me who tried too hard, the me who cared too much. The me who doesn't matter.

It was too much for me. I grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom stalls, locked myself in, and cried. I cried to my hearts will. I turned on the tap so that no one could hear me sniffling and let it all out. After spending 2 years with him, seeing him every day, hugging him every day, saying 'I love you' to him every day, it was all gone. It was finally all gone. To be honest I was always worried how long we would last, because nothing valuable stays around for too long. Nothing gold can stay.
I washed my face and left the bathroom. It was almost time for my train to come. I went and sat at the gate where my train was going to come, and I looked around. There were many people but not the one person I was hoping to see. Please just appear sehun. Just run to me and stop me from leaving. I stayed there until the very last call to get on, then I gave up. Maybe we really weren't meant to be. I walked toward the train and got on. I stayed standing on the door of the train and soon the train started moving. I stood there with my eyes closed as the wind hit my face, as the last ounce of hope inside me evaporated. It evaporated and flew away into the air.

I must've been hallucinating when I started hearing someone faintly shout my name. I kept my eyes closed because, I was probably just hearing things. Then the voice came closer and closer and now I could definitely hear someone and I wasn't just hearing things. I opened my eyes and saw him. At that moment all of time had stopped, or it sped up. I couldn't tell. I was lost in the moment, in the sight of him running toward me. All I could see and hear was him.

I couldn't process what was happening. I felt so massively relieved that he came back for me but I also felt really mad. How could he have done that to me?
'Y/N!!' He yelled running toward the train I was in. I didn't say anything or do anything, I just looked at him in awe.
'Y/N PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!' Sehun said. He had caught up to my train by now but the train had started moving so he kept running at the pace of the rain.
'Sehun I-'
'Y/n please don't do this. I can explain. Please don't leave me . I......'
'Sehun -'
'I'm sorry. I'M SORRY OKAY? I was wrong. I should've- I should've discussed it with you and I get that you're mad. I get you want to leave me because you're hurt. I really am a shitty boyfriend I know. But please... you can't leave me... I love you y/n'  He talked quickly with a lot of stuttering and breaks in his voice. He was panting alot as the train was picking up the pace and the edge of the platform was near.
'Please just get off the train. Or I'll come with you just-'
I threw my bag overboard and jumped out the train, which almost crossed the edge of the platform. We were both panting and fell to the ground. He got up, helped me up and helped me gather my things.
'Yes y/n?'
'Bastard' i whispered
'Absolutely right' He said. We both laughed
He dusted some dust off my head and ruffled my hair then he cupped my face and I wrapped myself around him and rested my cheek on his chest.
I suddenly pulled away from him, frowning.
'You were going to leave me. You jerk, you were going to live without me.' I grunted.
'But I came back for you. And I found out that theres a similar job here, almost the same so I don't have to move.'
'Loser,' I mumbled.
He pulled me back with a force.
'This is the part where we live happily ever after'
'Then we shall live happily ever after'

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