Xiumin- Those eyes

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I snapped out of it when an elderly customer yelled at me for putting cheese in his club sandwich when he had clearly asked for no cheese.
'I'm sorry sir. I must've forgotten'
'Forgotten that I don't want cheese in it when I specifically mentioned more than once? Excuse me miss, that's not something you can just forget.' He snapped
'I'm just used to making the same club sandwich with cheese so I hadn't remembered-'
'Are you making excuses right now? You should be apologizing and I should be allowed a refund'
'Yes of coarse sir.' I quickly pulled out $6.99 that he had paid for one cursed old non cheese club sandwich and paid him back.

Today has been unusually shitty, I had cookie crumbs in my hair and ketchup stains on my clothes. But I told myself to endure it because the end of my shift was near, and... it was almost time for him to come. That nameless but good looking guy that comes to the cafe every evening. I always get distracted by him, who is he and why is he so good looking? I never got to properly see his face because he's always sitting facing away from me but whatever I've seen is gorgeous.

Every time I heard the jingling of the hanging doorbell I looked to see who it was. The first time it was a couple, then it was a posh lady and then there was a group of teenagers. Where is that guy today? My shift was almost over. I kept hope until my shift was over, but he didn't show. Why did I care anyway, he was just some dude.
It's been a week now and he hasn't been coming. What's up with him? He's been coming here almost every day for the past couple of months and he never missed a day. Maybe he travelled somewhere? Or found another cafe to go to. I really need to stop thinking about him.

I was about to leave work again, I had changed into casual clothes from my dirty uniform and headed out the back door. I saw a man standing in the shadows but I ignored it and went to my car. Since it was a weekend I was going to eat out and went to a nearby restaurant.

'Table for one please,'   I said, as the waiter lead me to a table for two. WhateveR
I looked at the silky menu and my mouth watered when I looked at all the dishes.
Okay this quesadilla looks great but hey salmon I see you too, I was stuck between the two.
'Quesadilla or salmon. Quesadilla or salmon.' I said to myself.
'I think the quesadilla seems better.' Said [not to be cliche lol] a voice.
I looked behind me and I saw that nameless but good looking mysterious dude. Is that what we're going to call him now? I sat speechless and stared at him with my brows raised in confusion.
He smiled at me and sat across me. A waiter approached to ask for my order but he ordered before I could even speak.
'Two of the cheese grilled quesadillas please.' He said. I finally managed to form words after the waiter left.
'Who are you?' I asked
'Xiumin.' He replied. Xiumin? I think I've heard that name before.
'Oh come on it hasn't even been that long'
Then it hit me. It was Xiumin from senior year almost a year and a half ago.
'Wait, you're Xiumin? Like Kim minseok Xiumin?' I asked and he only laughed. Damn what did he eat for that glow up? The best way to describe what I felt then is: 'ajskssjaljzaojsaokzoakwkjashqkaowjeodnao.'
So he's the guy that has been showing up in the cafe every now and then?

'But- the cafe? Why'd you stop coming?'
Stupidly, that's the first thing I asked him.
'I had some work to do'. He said
He looked up at me and his eyes widened.
'Hey, you saw me at the cafe?'
'Yeah. I saw you every time you came.' I told him
'Really? I-I didn't think you'd see me.'
'Wait, you knew I worked there?' I asked
'Yep. I only came there to see you.'
Hold up, WHAT? To see? ME? I was caught off guard with that. not expected at all??
'Why would you want to see me?'
'You'll know soon.'
We ate and talked about each other and what we did in the time gap.

'Remember that homecoming party?' He said
'The one that was crashed halfway when the police came?' I continued
'Because alex couldn't bother to hide the weed'
'Good times ahah'

'Hey, I don't think we got to the slow dance part.' 
Oh yeah. The party ended before the slow dance.
'Maybe we could have a redo for it?'
Is he really asking me? To sLOW DANCE WITH HIM¿
He got up from his chair and walked outside to a garden-type outdoor area and I followed him. It was dark and I could hardly see anything.
He turned toward me in a sudden jerk and held out his hand, like a CD-player when it wants a
I, still confused, gave him a high five. What else do people hold out they're hands for? He laughed at me and I, once again looked at him in the most confused glance.
'I mean let's dance.' He said.
Right. Obviously he wants to dance not a high five. Dumbass.

This time he grabbed my hand instead of trying it the 'normal' way because I'm that stupid, and put his other hand on my hip.

'Minseok, well um I don't know how to say this,'
Just say it coward
'I don't- um... idontknowhowtodance' I mumbled.
'Hmm? Come again?'
'There must be something wrong with my ears'
'I dOnt kNoW hOw tO dAncE okAy'
Am I really that pathetic
'That's fine haha, once we start you'll get the flow yourself.'
He pulled me close to him and started the dance. He did certain steps to lead me and follow, and that's what I did. I would step on his foot from time to time but he didn't cry so that's great. He was right, with time I started going with the flow without thinking.
It was still dark, the only light was coming from the restaurant and distant street lights but they were enough for me to distinguish his features.

His was generally a lot more fit and his cheekbones seemed a lot more carved. His baby fat was all gone and his nose was slightly thinner, his arms felt muscular and his body shape was really manly. He really has grown up hasn't he?
But one thing that remained the same was his eyes. They were still deep dark blue and sparkled in dim light. It took me back to the day of the homecoming party when he approached me to ask me to dance. The police came and caused a huge commotion before I got to answer him so it was left at that, and now it was being recreated. His eyes were still as glimmer filled as that night, with the same dark surrounding and his soft but meaningful stare.
At one point I was dancing perfectly without even thinking and I was just immersed in his eyes. Those sparkling magical eyes. I'd do anything to keep those eyes the way they are, anything at all. I'd do anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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