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I woke up in a dark room, all of my senses blocked. Reaching out into the darkness, I felt nothing but thick, empty air, deep breaths escaping my lungs in desperation, clawing their way out. My sapphire orbs filled with salty tears. My ears were ringing from the lack of sound - I could almost hear my own heart beat running frantically through my veins. I felt the pulse beating in my pale neck, the only affirmation I was still alive. I was broken but not dead. I felt sick - my stomach was empty, my skin was dry. I felt like I was dying.

I tried to call out for help, my throat scratching, pulsating, screaming in pain as my voice cracked and fizzled. Nothing happened. I tried again. Nothing happened. My voice broke out suddenly, rang around the empty room, my despair echoing off the walls as I felt my emotions returning to me, amplified. Je me sens comme une prisonniere, I thought. J'aime le grand verge. J'ai un desir a baiser. J'ai faim pour un homme. I could speak fluent French despite my mother being poor and destitute. I had learnt it to comfort me in my youth as I imagined escaping her to the city of love.


I heard footsteps bouncing down the creeki stairs. 


that voice sounded similar, i couldnt place it, but i recognised it.

it was my MUM!!!!! WHAT WAS SHE DOING HERE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

'mum, is that you?'

'yes sweetheart. youre never leaving me again.'


'you left me. you f**cking left me. you left youre own mother.'

my heart started beatig frantikally. i was in big trouble now.

'i had to sell all of youre possessionss.'

i felt sick. why did i leave to LA? 

I felt a hand on my shoulder,

'now y/n, you will face the conseqences for what uve done'

then everything went blakc. 

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