savya (saviour but in spanish) (1k special)

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I woke up with a burning sensation in my chest, except it was metaphorical. It was a metaphor for all of pain and anguish that my mother had caused. Her selfishness had ruined me.

My adidas t-shirt stuck to me, my Starbucks drink fell on me when my mum roofied me. She wouldn't give me any clean clothes. It represented the pain that never left, the lack of love that was stuck to me like a curse. It never left.

A dark cloud of apathy crowded around my brain. I gave up. There was no point trying for happiness anymore. I was destined for sadness.

The sound of my mum's footsteps echoed around the four empty walls.
'Y/N. Get up. You're pathetic.'
It felt like she slapped me every time she insulted me. She was dragging every ounce of my being from my lifeless shell of a body.

'Yes mother.'
'Get up and clean the house. You have an hour.'
'Yes mother.'

I dragged my heavy legs off of the mattress and followed her up the never- ending stairs.
The kitchen used to be a safe-haven for me, I used to sit with my mum and dad after school and we'd have fun as a family.
Not anymore.
I reached under the sink and pulled out the cleaning chemicals.
I cleaned, my mind numb towards anything happening around me.

An hour had passed.
I spent the past 15 minutes watching the world go by outside of the window. No one cared that I was gone.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I got twisted round to face the figure in front of me.
'Y/N. Thank you for cleaning. I'm in a good mood so go downstairs and watch some TV.'
'Yes mother'

The never ending stairs were back. They seemed to call for me, questioning my ability to stay sane as I walked down them. It was so dark, so long.
Normally I would be scared, but not anymore. I never truly cared anymore.

There was nothing worth watching on Netflix, nothing would cheer me up anyway. I just fell asleep and wished that time would pass faster.

My body shot up as I got suddenly woken up by screams and shouts echoing around the whole house.
I heard my mum,
Was that Jake?

I heard more crashes and shouts.

I felt the nerves shaking my body, I started to lose control. Another panic attack took over.

I was cradled in the mattress hugging my knees and listening to the chaos upstairs. I was too scared to go upstairs. Air struggled to reach my lungs.

'y/n? This is officer ottercatcher. Are you okay? We're here to help.'
Everything became too much. I passed out onto the mattress and everything went black.

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