Gives You Hell

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Sorry for the late update! Xxx

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Joanna's POV

Screw him.... Screw my scumbag of a best friend. I rushed out of the pizzeria and started pedaling my bike. I waited for like an hour more, but he never came. 

"Joanna, wait!" I heard him say.

I looked back to see his curls messed up, his shirt looked like with was in the laundry for too long and his jeans were crumpled. He walked towards me before I could start pedaling again.

"Did you have fun shagging her?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, I stood you up, I'm the worst best friend ever." he apologised.

"Damn right you are!" I hissed.

"I waited for an hour and a half, you were the one who was hungry, but looks like you prefer dessert." I continued.

"I am sck and tired of being the third wheel to your relationships Harry. You may tell me you love me, but you're not showing it. You were my first real friend, but now you seem like those guys in school, all douche lords and dick heads." I added.

"Joanna, I'm nothing like those guys, I do love you, a lot, more than you could ever imagine." he stated.

"If you love, then why aren't you with me? And to think you did this to me.... on my birthday.... Great friend you are." I sighed.

I started to pedal again. Tears were streaming down my face as I looked away and headed out to where I could just be alone and think. The Lake.

I sat down as my head rested on the pine tree. My hands were playing the petals of the roses I picked up on my way here. I felt a tear brush by my cheek as I wiped it away. I made a sniff as I saw a figure right in front of me.

"What do you want, Harry?" I questioned.

"Jo.. I'm sorry I stood you up, I just got carried by the moment." he sat beside me.

"Got carried by the moment? Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was at the Pizzeria? People were looking at me warily whispering to each other that I got stood up." I hissed.

"Jo, I love you, please... forgive me..." he sighed.

"There you go again! One minute you tell em you love me, the next minute you defend someone else and snog them. It's typical of you, doing this to me..... ever since your first girlfriend, Felicity, you've been treating me like I'm a part of your relationships too, liek I'm the bloody 3rd wheel or something. Honestly, it sickens me." I stood up.

He stood up and stroked my cheek.

"Jo.... you're still the stubborn 13 year old girl I've had a crush on for years. You're my bestfriend and I woulnd't let a stupid fight, tear our friendship apart. I love you to death Joanna Jensen." Damn, he's a smooth talker.

I looked down as I felt my cheeks burning.

"Harry, let's make a pact. No kissing, no snogging 'till you become single again. " I said.

"What? You know I can't do that. I love your soft lips." he pleaded.

"What we're doing is wrong Harry, and I don't think I can I continue this friends with benefits deal with you." I stated.

"I don't want to lose you, but if I have to look at the odds, I think I do need to break up with Sabrina." He sighed,

I looked up at him with surprised eyes.

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