Chapter 17- A Conversation

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Before I start, I just ant to say sorry I haven't updated for a few days, but I have been busy working on a new story that I will release shortly after Germangie- Life Together.

"He didn't!"

I just nodded.

"I can't believe it! I'm going over to his house to talk to him, come on."

"Fran wait, I really don't think...." I said as she dragged me out of the room.

"Come on! We have to tell him the truth!"


We arrived at Leon's house after a few minutes.

"Do you think we should do this?" I asked as she pulled me up to the door.

"Yes, now come on!"

She knocked on the door and Leon answered.

"Hi Fran and.... Violet."

"It's Violetta." I replied.

"Right sorry, anyway, what are you doing here? My girlfriend is in the living room."

"Oh okay Fran let's go."

Naty walked past Leon's house looking lost.

Ludmilla came up to the door.

"NATALIA! Where have you been?"

"I got lost."

"Why? You only had to find my house."

"But you never texted me the address."

"And. You should know where my house is Natalia! Come on, let's go!"

They walked off leaving me Leon and Fran.

"Well, it's getting late." said Fran as she walked over to her car.

"Wait, I need a ride home."

"Leon can drive!"

"But...." She drove off.

"So do you want to come in? It's starting to get cold."

"Can you just drive me home?"

"I need to wait for my dad to bring the car back. So do you want to come in and have a drink?"


I followed him into the house.

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