Chapter 25- Back Where We Started

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The minute I opened the door, I was surrounded by people waving pens, paper and posters at me.

"Violetta, please sign this!"

"You were amazing in the show!"

"I love you!"

"You are my idol!"

I grabbed a few pens and signed one or two pieces of paper constantly looking behind me to make sure no one was following me. Then I saw him coming and I began to run again.

I don't know why I was running away from him, he just said he loved me, and that was what I wanted, wasn't it? I think I was afraid he would forget again. I couldn't go through that again.

"Violetta, wait!" Leon shouted, but I continued to run.

I realised I had run right back round so I was by the entrance to the theatre. I turned back to see if Leon was behind me. He was close. I felt bad about running away, but I couldn't stop my legs moving.

I looked to my left to see some boys on skateboards heading in my direction. They were about to hit me, but I felt someone grab me from behind and pull me out of the way just in time.

I turned around so I was face to face with him.

"We're right back where we started."

"Yeah we are."

"You know, everything I said on that stage, I meant. Ever since I woke up in the hospital and saw you beside me, I have tried to remember you with all my heart. I know that you are afraid and I know that I have broken your heart before, but I want to show you some places. Starting with here. This is where we first met and I saved you from the skaters."

"Yeah, twice!"

"You really need to look where you're going."

I laughed.

"Now follow me."

We walked around the corner and were outside the Studio.

"Here is where I realised I loved you."

A smile grew on my face as I remembered everywhere I had taken him.

"Now I have one last place to take you."

He took my hand, but this time put the other over my eyes.

"Now sit down."

He took his hands away from my eyes and I immediately recognised where we were.

"Now, relax. Close your eyes."


"You know you can trust me. Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes, knowing what would happen next but acting clueless.

"Now I want you to think of the most beautiful and romantic place you can imagine."

I opened my eyes again.

"Just do it okay, please."

"Okay." I closed them again.

"Picture it. I want you to imagine this is the perfect place. I want you to imagine the perfect music. Now there is only one thing left."

"What?" I asked, as I waited for what I knew was coming next.

He brushed his hand over my cheek and moved in so I could feel his warm breath until our lips finally touched.

We pulled away slowly and I opened my eyes.

"You remember me."

He nodded and smiled.


That is the end of the book! I really hope you liked the ending!

So Okay will be released tomorrow at 15:00 UK time!

Just to say, Don't Give Up will be updated twice tomorrow as I don't have time today!

For those of you who follow me on Twitter (ClaraCarrara_) and Facebook (Admin Clari) you will already know when my books are being released, but for those of you who who don't:

Okay: 01/09/14

Germangie- Life After Everything: 10/09/14

One Chance: 26/09/14

Not The Same: 5/10/14

All I will say is:

One Chance is Naxi

Not The Same is Leonetta.

I want your opinions, so what would you rate this story out of 10?

And if you have any ideas for future books that you want, please comment.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in my next book!

Off to do my ice bucket challenge now!


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