Chapter 21- Meeting

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"And the male lead is..."

Beto began to tap on the table.

"Beto, please!"

"It's a drum roll."

"No drum roll! Anyway, the male lead will be Leon."

Everyone clapped as I looked at him and smiled.

The teachers were announcing the roles to everyone and we were all gathered up in the hall.

"And the female lead is Violetta!"

Before anyone could clap, Ludmilla walked up to the front.

"Thank you so much, of course we all knew that I was going to get the lead role, why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Because I said that Violetta has the female lead."


"Congratulations Violetta! Now can we see the dance that you two have prepared?"

"It's not really finished yet."

"Could you show us what you've got?"


As we walked up onto the stage Leon whispered something into my ear.

"Finish before the lift."

The music began and we started the dance. We did all the moves, even the backwards flip.

Finally, we both did a pirouette and ended face to face holding hands.

Everyone began to clap as we pulled away awkwardly.

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