Chapter 4

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I woke up early on Friday, made my self a bowl of cereal and took a bath. It is the only day of the week I can allow my self to get exited, since it's my day off and I can spend my time playing games.

But before getting out of my bed, I would always take time to thank the Lord for the day, even a simple "Thank you Lord" will do.

It didn't take long for me to prep up and curl my hair upwards. My bedroom was already organized and the dishes are spotless, though it was only rinsed because we're out of soup; I was being lazy I forgot to buy things last night.

I stood over the couch and carefully traced every corners of the room, it was clean, no shirt hanging, no dog pee, and my cat is locked inside my room.

Perfect. Now I just have to wait.

I sprawled onto the couch and bounced on it with hands held high then cycled my feet as if riding a unicycle. I don't know what gotten into me, but the thought of hiking over the mountain with my friends made me a bit exited. I grabbed my phone on the table and quickly scrolled down to my favorite playlist.

I don't have an appointment with Miss P but we do have a three-day jaunt to the mountains today. All my friends from the church will gather at nine and we'll have a short briefing before we take off at ten, and the place they chose to gather is apparently none other than my small apartment. That is why I specifically had to clean the entire room by my self.

I already filed my request for a leave so I don't have to worry about my work. But the thing I've been worrying about is how to be able to suppress this unseemly one sided love of mine, knowing that I will be seeing Cathie twenty-four hours for three days, I'm afraid it might just spark the unnecessary fire inside my heart. I just have to stick to the guys all the time like a glue so she won't have a chance to talk to me.

I groaned inwardly, why does it have to be her?

It's only seven in the morning and I am already itching to go, my luggage is packed full and I didn't forget my toothbrush, it seems that I went a little bit too exited for the trip. I just hope that it's not Cathie who's gonna show up first.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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