05 | Commencement

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 As soon as Frost had concluded his speech, he and Mana hurried up the steps of the Capitol Building. It was as if all the courage he had built up during his address escaped like helium leaving a balloon. He focused his gaze straight ahead on the doors to the building that were now open, wanting nothing more than to get as faraway from the prying eyes of the public as possible. Mana was the only one to take a last glance at the murmuring audience before her partner rushed them both inside.

 Frost barely had time to take a relieved breath before he and the Pokémon were swarmed with staff members all talking at once. He was only able to catch brief snippets of their sentences, but even then he made no move to understand what each of them were talking about. His mind was completely frazzled.

 Luckily, the crowding didn't last long. Frost sighed quietly as Acacia and Sage pushed through their allies to get to him. The boy met the greenette's eyes and, while there was frustration very much alive in her emerald irises from having to deal with the excited bunch around them, she managed to give him a proud smile that he tried his best to return. 

 "Dear lord, people. The boy just gave a speech to the whole nation and this is what you do? Give him some space," Acacia commanded, voice laced with noticeable irritation that made everyone step back instantly and cease their talking.

 Frost then took the opportunity to move towards the hallway. He spotted Tatiana and Clover in the same corner he had seen them before the address. He nodded in the direction he was going, which prompted the pair to join Acacia and Sage in following him. 

 As soon as they left the lobby behind and entered a private meeting room, the Silverkeep native allowed himself to collapse into a chair and deflate. Mana leaped away into Clover's arms as her partner slouched over and brought his hands up to rub his eyes and temples. As he did this, the others started taking their places at the table. The boy could feel their stares on him and, sure enough, when he looked up they were all intently waiting for him to gather himself. He ran a hand through his hair.

 "What are people saying so far?"

 Acacia immediately turned her attention to the tablet in her hands. Frost watched her type something in and scroll down, her acrylic nails making tapping noises on the screen.

 "As expected, there are mixed reviews," she informed. The purple-haired woman pressed a virtual button, and suddenly a video began playing on the television set positioned on the other side of the room. Frost and the others looked over at it. 

 The screen before them showed two female news anchors engaged in what appeared to be an intense conversation. The bottom left corner read 'Live from Beachden'.

 "After months of staying hidden and revealing so little during that time, I find it hard to believe that Frost Statice just decided to waltz out in front of thousands of people. There has to be something else at play here," one of the reporters said rather passionately.

 "I agree with that, however, he spoke so confidently and boldly about the topics he wanted to share," the other replied. "That being said, we need to take everything he said into consideration and analyze them deeply. I wouldn't be surprised if this is all a ploy to get Inridia to play into his hands."

 Acacia changed the channel, and the scene switched to a different newsroom where a single man faced the camera.

 "... and what is truly beyond me is that the boy said Pokémon are still alive. On top of that, he actually presented what he claimed was one and said that Chloris has been hiding them all along!" He remarked angrily. "If Frost Statice wants us to believe that whatever that thing at the podium with him was is actually a Pokémon, then he should submit it for testing and let an actual report be filed-"

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