More Friends; More Help

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*Note: Sorry about Jameson's lines. I had them in a different font before, but I can't change the font here, so I just underlined everything that he says. Enjoy!

    The next morning, Jack found that he felt much better than he had the day before. His stomach had settled, and his head didn't hurt as much anymore. It was just a small, almost unnoticeable pain. Schneeplestein had certainly done his job (that and the pills).
However, while Jack was now satisfied with his physical health, he was starting to worry more about his mental health. How could all of what had happened the day before possibly have happened? Could it all have been a dream...? But then Jack would take a look around himself and realize that it hadn't been. Maybe he was still dreaming? Ugh; what a ridiculous question to ask.
The real one was: what the hell was he supposed to do now?
"How are you feeling, Jhack?" The doctor asked, coming over to check up on him. 
"Much better, thanks," Jack said, sitting up slowly. "Though, I'm not sure about my brain. I think that I might be going crazy."
"Oh I vish zat you vere, my friend," Schneeplestein said, shaking his head. "But you are not. Zis is all very real. Now, do you sink you can travel?"
"Sure," Jack shrugged. "You sure worked a miracle on me. What'd you do? Besides the pills?"
"Just a few doctor sthings here and there," Schneeplestein said with a shrug. "Mostly, I just patched you up. Zee pills did most of the vork. Zee powder vas causing zee most damage to your system. I've told Selah so many times zat zat powder is dangerous. But vill she listen? No."
For once, Schneeplestein didn't seem too annoyed by the fact that someone didn't listen to him. Instead, he just wore a small, worried smile on his face.
"Do you guys know where Selah is?" Jack asked.
"Alas, no," Schneeplestein sighed. "The last I heard, she vas schtill at home. But Chase has informed me zat zee castle had been overtaken by Anti. I vould suspect zat she is now a prisoner zere."
"Shit," Jack said with a frown. "Shouldn't we get her out of there?"
"Let's focus on following her orders for now," Schneeplestein said. "She's not a pushover. Let's get everyvone togezer and zen vee'll vorry about getting Selah."
"Is she my way home or something?" Jack asked skeptically, getting ready to hear the normal trope about the "end goal" being his way back to where he belonged.
"No," Schneeplestein said, raising an eyebrow. "She's not. Vhere vould you get a silly idea like zat? Honestly, I'm not exactly sure about how to get you home. I'm sure zat vee can figure it out... eventually. Until zen, vould you mind helping us? I know Selah alvready asked for your help, but somesing tells me zat you didn't mean to come here vhen you did."
Jack gave the doctor an embarrassed smile. "Yeah," he said. "I opened the letter and the powder kinda just exploded everywhere."
The doctor smiled and nodded, rubbing his chin. "It tends to do zat. I schtill don't understand vhy Selah vould send you zat stuff. It's unpredictable like zat. Anyvay, vill you help us?"
Jack sighed, shrugged, and then nodded. "Might as well," he said. "This is sort of my home, isn't it?"
The good doctor's smile widened. "Zat it is, my friend."
"I knew I was a boss," Jack smirked. "And yeah; I'll help. I can't just leave when innocent people are suffering. I'll help in any way I can."
"Zank you," Schneeplestein said nodding with gratitude. "Vell, if you sthink you can travel, zen vee vill be leaving in about an hour or so. Vee'll go see Marvin and zen go get Jameson."
"Right," Chase (who was eating waffles) said. "Easy."
"Then we can go get Selah!" Jackie exclaimed excitedly. "And we can kick Anti's ass!"
"Since when could you even kick ass?" Chase questioned Jackie, folding his arms.
"Oh ye of little faith!" Jackie said, getting to his feet and pointing at Chase so that he almost poked him in the eye. "I'll have you know that I've defeated plenty of villains since the last time you saw me!"
"Yeah," Chase said, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure, JackieBoyMan. You can tell us all about it after we deal with this whole mess."
"Oh I will!" Jackie said. "Trust me!"
They drove into a colorful and bright city about two hours later. They were in a truck that the doctor owned, which made the journey much quicker than it would've been on horseback.
They drove for a while before the doctor parked the car on the side of the street in front of a small apartment building that looked completely deserted.
"Zis is zee place," the doctor said, turning off the ignition and getting out of the car.
Everyone followed him out of the vehicle and walked up to the door. They entered without knocking and walked in. They then looked up at the first flight of stairs.
"He'll be on zee top floor," Schneeplestein said, beginning to climb.
"Why?" Jackie moaned. "I hate stairs!"
"Well if you didn't wear that suit all the time," Chase said, "maybe you'd feel a lot cooler."
"Nuh uh!" Jackie exclaimed, hugging himself. "This suit is never coming off! I can't reveal my secret identity!"
"Uh, you really don't have a secret identity, JackieBoyMan," Chase pointed out.
"How did you know?" Jackie exclaimed, giving Chase a horrified look.
Chase slapped his face.
They climbed the stairs for what felt like another hour (but it was only ten minutes). When they reached the top, they could hear loud noises and even explosions going on inside of the old room.
"Of course he picks an abandoned penthouse to live in," Chase said. "Sick."
"Here goes nothsing," Schneeplestein sighed, grabbing the door handle and pushing the door open. They all filed into the room, and the doctor closed the door behind them.
At the far end of the room from them (with his back to them) was another man with green hair. He had a dark cape on and was flourishing a magic wand.
Finally, after a few moments of what was probably senseless wand-waving and waiting, the man jumped and pumped his fist into the air.
"YES!" He cried triumphantly (in Jack's voice as well). "I did it! I made the ice disappear!"
"So zat's vat you vanted vith my ice packs you moron!" Schneeplestein snapped.
The man jumped and spun around. He was wearing a fancy cat mask with card symbols on the cat's forehead. It was definitely the magician, Marvin the Magnificent.
"Doc!" Marvin exclaimed, beaming proudly. "Long time no see! I did it! I have officially made ice disappear! Global warming has nothing on me!"
"No, you idiot," Schneeplestein moaned into his hand. "You just took some ice packs from my freezer for a long time. Zey just melted."
"DAMMIT ALL!" Marvin shouted, flipping the table behind him over in a rage. The ice packs and his black hat fell over with it.
Jack jumped in surprised. Someone certainly had anger issues.
"Vhy don't you stop vasting everybody's and your time," the doctor said, trying to keep his own temper down, "and say hello to everyvone. Meanvhile, I'll clean your f**cking mess up."
"Oh," Marvin said, realizing that it wasn't just the doctor who had come to visit him. "Hi everyone. Chase. JackieBoyMan... Jack?"
Marvin's eyes found Jack and suddenly widened. Jack wasn't sure what to do, so he settled for making a small wave and smiling at Marvin.
"Hey, Marvin," Jack said.
"Holy f**king shit, man!" Marvin exclaimed, running forward and pulling Jack into a hug. "You're back! What the hell?"
Marvin came out of the hug and looked Jack up and down. "You don't look any older either! Wow!"
"Isn't it great?" Jackie asked with a smile. "He's back with us!"
"It's more than great!" Marvin said happily. "But how did you get here, Jack? What happened?"
"Well," Jack said, "from what I gather, Selah sent for me and gave me some sort of powder that transported me here. It was weird."
"Princess Selah sent you Septic powder?" Marvin questioned. "Strange; something serious must be happening for her to send for you too. Last I remember, you told her not to unless it was an emergency."
"Yeah, she mentioned something about that in her letter to me," Jack said. "I'm not really sure what she's talking about, though."
"Huh?" Marvin frowned. "You mean you don't remember anything about Bossatron?"
Jack shook his head. "Nothing," he said. "I didn't even think it existed up until yesterday."
"F**k, Jack," Marvin said. "That sucks. Well, don't worry. We'll fill you in."
"Thanks," Jack said with a small smile.
"So Selah sent for ya?" Marvin asked. "Why isn't she with you? She usually comes along for stuff like this."
"That's the problem," Jackie said, his shoulders slumping. "The castle was compromised. Selah knew it was coming, so she sent for Jack and me."
"Jeez," Marvin said, scratching the back of his head. "That sucks. So do we need to get her or something?"
"Eventually," Jackie said. "But we need to get Jameson and Sam first. At least, that's what Selah told me to do. She said not to worry about her until everyone was together and Sam was back with Jack."
Marvin nodded in understanding. "Okay," he said. "That makes sense. So, we have to get Jameson? Lucky for us, I happen to know where he is."
"You do?" Chase asked. "Well, I guess that's lucky. How far is he?"
"He's only a few blocks away," Marvin said. "Sometimes I meet up with him; you know, to hang out and shit. That guy is quite the conversationalist for being completely silent."
"How do you understand him then?" Jack asked, trying to imagine how it would be possible to hear anything that Jameson wanted to say.
"Oh," Marvin said. "Right. Well, he has a chalkboard that he writes on all the time. You'd think he'd get tired of writing what he wants to say all the time, but there's no stopping him. He just keeps going!"
"Ah," Jack said. "Doesn't that slow the conversation a little bit, though?"
"Not at all," Chase said, shaking his head. "Jameson's really fast at writing; actually, inhumanly fast. It's really weird."
"Well," Marvin said, picking up his wand and hat, "should we go get him, then?"
"Yes, let's," Schneeplestein said. "Zis penthouse is filthy; how you haven't died from living here by now, I'll never know."
They pulled up to an old television studio ten minutes later. Marvin got out and confidently marched up to the door. He was about to knock on it when he noticed a piece of paper taped to the window:

Escape from Planet Bossatron: A Septic StoryWhere stories live. Discover now