Epilogue: LIKE A BOSS!

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    "So what are we gonna do with that?" Chase questioned, pointing at the flash drive in the doctor's hand. "Are we gonna get Anti out, or just leave it, or what?"
    "I don't know," Jack said, shaking his head. "But I know that we can't keep him in there. That'll just piss him off more."
    "Well if we let him out," Marvin frowned, "no matter what he'll cause some damage. Whether he be in human form or in a computer, it doesn't matter!"
    "Jhack's right, though," Schneeplestein said, looking thoughtful. "Vee can't keep in here. Vee need to find a safe place to let him out."
"Human form will probably cause more damage. We will still need him confined, so a computer would be a smart idea."
    "We'd have to be careful with how we download him in there, though," Jackie pointed out. "We can't put him into an important system, and we can't put him into a good computer; like Marvin said, it would be too dangerous."
    "And we can't let anyone else talk to him or see him," Chase said. "He might be able to manipulate them into moving him or releasing him somehow."
    "Manipulate...?" Jack questioned. "Anti? A manipulator? No way! That's not his thing. But still, just in case. You are right."
    "I sink I have just zee thing!" Schneeplestein nodded. "My old computer is empty, but schtill vorks. It vould be perfect for vhat vee need. Vee'd schtill need to check on him every day, but zat computer von't allow him to cause any damage to anysing or anyone."
    "Great!" Jackie smiled. "Let's plug him in and-!"
    "Zee only problem is zat it doesn't vork anymore!" Schneeplestein said, annoyed. He had just remembered this fact; it was why he had gotten a new computer in the first place.
    "Let me take a look at it," Jack said. "I've built my own computer before. Maybe I can figure out what's wrong with this one."
    "Vell zank you, Jhack!" Schneeplestein said, perking up. "Zat's very generous of you."
    "Not at all," Jack shrugged. "Besides, it'll keep Anti in a safe place."
    So Jack went over to Schneeplestein's old computer and looked in to see the damage. He found the problem right away (and it turns out it was a pretty minor problem). So Jack had someone get the proper part that he needed to replace and fixed up the computer in no time.
    It was still pretty slow, but it would work just fine for what they needed. Once the computer was up and running again, Schneeplestein pulled out the flash drive with Anti in it and plugged it into the computer. Then, the computer started the long process of downloading Anti into it.
    "He's still gonna be pissed about this," Chase said with a smirk.
    "At least we're not just leaving him in a flash drive," Jack pointed out.
"Very true! But I still can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees what we've done with him. It will be priceless!"
    Jameson gave a silent laugh.
"Best watch him carefully," Marvin said. "He could still go to the Professor."
"Who is that?" Jack asked. "I heard him mentioned in that f... that memory of when you guys came into existence but..."
"Ah," Schneep said. "Right. Zat's another mirror folk. In a distant land. You know his originator, Matthew."
"MatPat?" Jack asked.
"The Professor's MadPat, yeah," Jackie said. "He's everywhere, honestly."
"Doesn't have enough shit to do apparently," Chase said. "Always has to mess with everyone else."
    After about two hours of waiting, the computer finished downloading Anti into it. Once this was done, the screen went black for a moment. Then, Anti glitched into being on the screen and looked around.
    "What the f**k have you done?" He yelled at them. "Why am I in here? Let me out!"
    "You've cause enough trouble for now," Schneeplestein said. "Vee think zat you schould stay in zhere for a vhile. Vhile Selah may not be a problem to you anymore, vee can't take any chances."
    "You f**king cowards!" Anti yelled. "You'll pay for this!"
    "Calm down you son of a bitch," Chase snapped. "Yelling won't get you anywhere."
    Yeah; he had been pissed.
    "Okay," Schneeplestein said a couple days later. "I sink I have it."
    "Have what, doc?" Marvin questioned.
    "A vay to get Jhack back home," Schneeplestein said with a confirmative nod. "And safely! It vill be easy!"
    "Ah damn," Jackie sighed. "That's great, but that also kinda sucks."
    "Hey," Jack said, "you guys will be able to talk to me all the time this time. You have my contact information, so it should be no problem."
    "Yeah," Chase said. "That doesn't mean that we still won't miss you."
    "He can visit any time he vants zee vay I found," the doctor said with a smile. "Jhack, could you give me Evie please?"
    "With pleasure," Jack said, taking the cuff off of his wrist and handing it to the doctor.
    "Chase," Schneeplestein said, "could you help me vith zis?"
    "Sure thing, Schneep," Chase said.
    The two went away and worked for about six hours before coming back with the cuff.
    "Wha'd you guys do?" Jackie questioned, curious.
    "It looks as though they upgraded Evie. Are those some new buttons?"
    "Yep," Chase said proudly, handing Evie back to Jack. "The green, orange, and blue ones do the same things as before. But now we've got a red and yellow one. The red one will let you travel between Earth and Bossatron whenever you want, and the yellow one will allow you to see messages from us."
    "He has a phone and computer for that," Marvin pointed out.
    "So?" Chase shrugged. "This will have less delay. Plus, the more ways to keep contact, the better."
    "This is awesome!" Jack said, snapping the cuff back onto his wrist. Thanks, guys!"
    "Not a problem, Jhack," Schneeplestein smiled. "Now you best be on your vay home. I bet you have some vork to do."
    "Shit, yeah," Jack said. "I better get back. But this time I'm gonna take my little buddy with me."
    Sam jumped for joy on Jack's shoulder. Everyone laughed at the little guy.
    "Oh stop being so wholesome!" Anti mocked. "It's sickening!"
    "I'll miss you too, Anti," Jack said with a smirk.
"Oh you'll wish you'd never said that," Anti said darkly. "Trust me."
    So everyone then began to say goodbyes. Jack put Sam in his tank and then put the tank into his backpack. Then he hugged everyone in turn. And said goodbye.
    Then, with a final wave, Jack pushed the red button and soon found himself back in his home, exactly where he had left (in the kitchen). There was a chair knocked over, making Jack realize that he must've hit it at some point before he had been transported to Bossatron. He picked it up and then set back in its place.
    Then, he went into his office and pulled Sam out of his tank. He set the little eyeball down on his desk where Sam did a back-flip and then started looking around at everything curiously.
    Jack looked down at Evie and found that the cuff had turned into a sleek-looking watch with a touch screen. And Evie was an application on it. At least he wouldn't have to hear her talking to him all the time.
    "Okay," Jack said, looking at Sam, "I guess I should let everyone know what's been going on... to an extent."
    So Jack turned on his computer, mic, and camera, and began to record.

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