After (Explanations for the "Fake Aspects")

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Jack woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. He got up and went into the kitchen to get himself some coffee, then went into his office. He was in the mood to record.
He entered the room and found that someone was already sitting in his chair. He froze, unsure if this was good. But they turned around, and Jack relaxed. He closed the door behind him.
"Schneep," he said.
"Jhack," the doctor said. "I promised you an explanation."
"Right," Jack said. "You mentioned a lot, though. So there mustn't be much to catch up with. Right?"
"On the contrary," Schneep said, rubbing his eyes, "zere's a lot still left to say. Here. You can sit down."
Jack and Schneep switched places so that Jack was sitting and the doctor was standing.
"So," Schneep said, "I told you zat zee vorld you vere jhust in had a fake history."
"Yeah," Jack said. "Chase and Jameson told me a little more. Chase about the history and Jameson that it was still a real place."
"It's really called ze Glitch," Schneep said. "It is a pocket of vhat is called ze Mirror Vorld. All egos live zhere in zier own pockets."
"Like Mat's...?" Jack asked. "And Felix's and Mark's...?"
"And more," Schneep said with a nod. "You see, sings are not as complicated as it vas in ze Glitch. Most pockets don't function like ours does. Ve have people and history and culture. Most of ze other pockets... vell, zey have no such sings. Zey jhust get to mess around vith zier 'fake people' all day long. Ze Professor stays in his pocket, 'Ze Lab' most of ze time. Does nozing vith people."
"What about real people?" Jack asked nervously.
"Don't even sink for a moment zat vee vould mess vith zem," Schneep said. "It's against our code and nature. Zee fact zat you vere in ze Glitch vas very dangerous. No one had ever gone to zier mirrors' pocket before...! Save for vone, but he is a special case."
"Who...?" Jack asked.
"For him to say," Schneep said dismissively. "Not I. Anyvay, you must be more careful vhen traversing ze Glitch if you ever decide to return. You have ze means, though zat does not mean you should use it. Ve can alvays come to you. Jhust... be careful, Jhack. If you go, ve all do. Of course, ve mostly jhust care about your vell-being."
Jack nodded.
"Do you have any further questions for me...?"
"Yeah," Jack said. "So... why were Steve, Evie, and Billy on Bossa... I mean, in the Glitch...?"
"Oh," Schneep made a face. "Zat's an annoying story. But to put it simply, vee mirror folk and our pockets rely on belief and a following to come into existance. Characters and games you play are of no exception to zis. If you give zem enough attention, and your fan base does so as vell, zey assimilate into your pocket. Mark's, as I understand it, has quite a few games in zhere. Zhere are more in ze Glitch; trust me. Vee just didn't come across zem. Zank God."
"So... what now?" Jack asked.
"Ve adapt, I suppose," Schneep said. "As far as I'm avare, you're ze first originator to notice our existence aside from ze vone I mentioned earlier. Ve'll have to take sings step by step. I'll also have to report zis to Dark and Phantom."
"Darkiplier?" Jack asked. "Isn't he evil...?"
"Depends on how you look at it," Schneep said with a shrug. "In any case, he's in charge in Mark's pocket, ze Upside Down. As for Phantom... he's a gate-keeper and rule-holder of sorts. Not much gets past him, zough, so he might alvready expect me to come to him vith zis. Especially since I had to pass through his and NateMare's domain to get here today."
"But why tell them?" Jack asked.
"Zey are high-power mirror-folk," Schneep said. "Zey must know zese sings. I can't keep information like zis avay from zem. It vould betray zier trust."
"What will they do?"
"Nozing. But zey schtill need to know."
"Any other questions?"
"Oh I'm sure I'll think of some," Jack said. "But for now... I think I get it."
"Okay," Schneep said. "Let me know if you do. For now, I vill leave you to your day. Goodbye, Jhack."
"Bye, Schneep," Jack said.
With that, the doctor opened Jack's door and slipped out into a black void before shutting the door behind himself.
"What the...?" Jack said, getting up and going to the door after his ego.
Jack opened the door and found that it was normal on the other side once again.
"Weird...," he said.
Then, his mind reeling from Schneep had told him, Jack sat back down, now unsure of whether or not he really felt like recording anymore.


Hey, guys! So I made some changes to the story before I added this little tag on! Essentially, I've now fully connected this story to my other fan fic: "The Kings of YouTube". It wasn't completely fitting before, but it's all fixed now!
BTW: Just because this story and "The Kings of YouTube" are connected now doesn't mean you need one to understand the other! They both can stand alone!
Though if you want check "The Kings of YouTube" out, it's also in the list of stories I've written!
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the story! Love yas!

— SassyHat.

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