~Your First Fight~

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The day had been perfect up until that point. You got goods of an iridium level quality from all your animals. The demand for the crops you were growing had risen overnight. And to top it all off, you'd found a prismatic shard and gave it your boyfriend, Alex. He gladly accepted it with a particularly amazing kiss. But then, you turned your back for a minute and what did you see when you turned back around? Lo and behold, Alex was giving the prismatic shard to Haley! Then, your beautiful day came crashing down to the floor. If it'd been any other girl— even Leah— you'd've taken it significantly better, but no! He was passing your gift along to the girl you hated most, and who happened to be the most recent name on his list of ex-girlfriends! Jealousy made your face go red. "Well then, if that's what you're going to do with it, I'll just take it back!" You said, coming up and snatching the shard away. "Y/n! Wait, you don't understand!" Alex called, rushing after you as you sprinted to the farm. You locked yourself in the house, and he spent the next three hours trying to get you to come back out before he gave up and went home.


You weren't having a good day, that was the only fact that seemed to stick in your head. It didn't matter if Evelyn had baked cookies for you, or if Jas had come to personally thank you for helping her study for her quiz, which she aced. No, you weren't having a good day at all. And sadly, this fact refused to simply be acknowledged and let lie. No, it demanded to effect your entire aura. There really wasn't a reason for your sour mood, and that only made you even grumpier. Unfortunately, your poor boyfriend ended up caught in the fray. "Okay, seriously. What is going on, Y/n?" Sam asked, your disposition scaring him. "I'm fine, Sam." You grumbled, plunging your watering can into the pond. "You are not fine, you were glaring at your breakfast all morning. It was your favorite, too!" He said. "I'm fine, Sam!" You yelled, trying to bring the watering can back up, only to find that the water was dragging it down. You growled, pulling even harder. Water splashed all over you and Sam, as the watering can finally broke the surface. You almost got hit in the face with it, but fell on your butt before it could hit you. You groaned loudly, refilled the watering can, and stomped off to do other things. Sam huffed, now soaking wet and dirty. "What's gotten into her?"


You weren't mad. No. You weren't mad in the slightest. It's perfectly fine that Sebastian had pulled an all nighter for the third night in a row. You don't mind dating a guy that's now insane from lack of sleep, so long as he's hot. That's not the problem here. The problem, is that he's so ingrained into his work, that he told you to piss off, when you brought him sashimi, for Yoba's sake! That didn't make you mad. It made you upset. Upset is like mad and sad mixed together. Mainly sad, though. "What the heck, Sebastian? I bring you your favorite food and that's what you have to say?" You asked, hurt. "I'm not hungry. Now go, I'm busy." He said, not stopping to even look at you. You huffed, your brows furrowing. "Fine, I'll just go eat this, myself. Since eating thinly sliced raw fish will apparently give me more comfort than my own boyfriend." And with that, you left him alone, purposely slamming the door behind you.


It was time for the Stardew Valley fair, and a bunch of tourists were coming around this year. Specifically, this one woman who reminded you of an elementary school guidance counselor, or Ms. Fleming from Heathers. She was always talking about feelings and healing your soul. You loathed every last bit of her. What made it worse was that she had taken a specific interest in Shane. Your Shane! You started lurking in the doorway of the Stardrop every evening, watching her as she had feels sessions with him. The nerve... Eventually, you couldn't take it anymore, especially as she offered him some... are those homemade brownies?!! OH, HELL NO!!!! You marched right into that saloon, and planted yourself between the stools they were sitting in. "Excuse you!" You all but yelled at her. "Oh, would you like a brownie too, dear?" "No! No, I would not like a brownie, and neither would my boyfriend!" You snapped. "Y/n? Come on, it's fine." Shane tried to intervene. "In a minute, Shane. I'm busy making sure this stranger knows you're not single." You said, grabbing his hand. "Oh, but, sweetie, they're good for you!" The lady said. "Good for me? Those things are diabetes in a pan!" "No, honey, I meant, good for your soul." She smiled. "Oh, please. I have no soul." You glared. "And neither does he, so take your happy-go-lucky fantasy doctrine and go bother someone else!" You then proceeded to drag your boyfriend out of the pub. "Y/n! What the hell?! She was just being nice!" Shane scolded you. "Too nice, Shane! She clearly wanted to indoctrinate you into her cult of unnatural happiness!" You retorted. "Oh really? Do you really think that, or are you just jealous?!" He asked. You didn't respond. "Whatever," You grumbled, going back to the farm.


Elliot? Oh please, you never get into fights with Elliot! You have no reason to be upset with him. He's too gentlemanly to ever let a fight break out between the pair of you. However, that is a little bit off putting for you... You don't want him to be too gentlemanly, to the point that he just says and does what he thinks you'd want him to, simply to avoid upsetting you. You want him to be his own individual, and not to feel like he's forced to conform to your expectations.


The irony is priceless with you and Harvey. He's a doctor, and you are a self-diagnosed trypanophobe. Meaning you have an irrational fear of needles. "Harvey, you promised!" You protested, attempting to put as much space between you and your demon-boyfriend with an empty syringe and tourniquet in his hands. "Yes, Darling, I did. But, I need you to be healthy, and drawing some blood is the best way to check your iron levels." He said, coming over. "Now, I know you don't like needles, so please, just close your eyes and relax." You furrowed your eyebrows. "I'm really mad at you." "I know, Y/n, I know." He said, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Now, go on, close your eyes." You closed your eyes and pressed your face into his shoulder. But, you honestly couldn't stop trembling. You truly were afraid of needles. The cold from the alcohol swab sent chills up your back, the tourniquet felt like something restraining you to the wall! You were trying so hard not to move your arm, but you couldn't help it. "Y/n, it'll hurt more if you don't relax." "I'm trying, Harvey!" You nearly sobbed, a tear slipping down your cheek. "Just do it already, before my fight or flight response kicks in!" Harvey counted down from three, way too quickly for your tastes, and plunged the needle into your arm. "Agh!" You cried out, digging your nails into Harvey's shoulder. "Beautiful, Y/n. There," He shushed your pitiful sobs as he bandaged your arm. "All done." "I'm still mad at you." You whimpered, cradling the hand of the arm he drew blood from. "You know that I only want what's best for you, Y/n." He dismissed your distress cries. This rubbed your sore spot raw. You huffed. "I hate you." You snapped, paying for the medical bill and leaving Harvey alone in his clinic, shocked at your words.

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