~Pet Peeves (Married Edition)~

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Requested by TheNerdShrine2019

can you do a oneshot where each of the bacholers have their faults? Their pet peeves is one, but living with them is another! For an example, Alex's peeve would be that he always leaves his gym clothes everywhere. Because he stays home all the time, that would be a peeve for the farmer.

You sighed, picking up yet another one of Alex's gym shirts. "Why do you even have these things, Alex?! You never work out in a shirt!" Alex set the weights back into the rack on his bench press and sat up. "Sorry, Babe. I just like to keep them around so I can reserve the best view for my wife." He grinned, knowing that he was in trouble and trying his best to get out of it. "And that gives you an excuse to leave them all around the house, since when?" You glared at him. "Also, why do they stink?! Quit lifting weights and go do the laundry already!" You tossed the offending garment at his face.

You love Sam. He's amazing. But getting that man to remember to do certain things is like pulling teeth! I mean, it's not like you can blame him, since he's never had a dog before but, you literally leave a note on the fridge for him! "Sam, has Enzo been out?" "I'll do that right now!" "Sam, how long ago did you fill Enzo's water?" "Oops," "Sam, did you remember to give Enzo his flea and tick medicine?" "Uh oh," "Sam! I told you that both you and Enzo are due for your annual check ups today!" "Oh Geez..."

"Sebastian!" You yelled. "What?" Sebastian came into the bedroom. "Sebastian, I swear if you are smoking in this house." You pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his side table drawer. "I promise I'm not." "You'd better not be! I don't want the second and thirdhand smoke in my house, Sebastian, what if I get pregnant?! What if our baby gets SIDS?!" You yelled, pacing the room. "I promise I'm not smoking in this house, Y/n. I'd never do that. It ruins the furniture." You sighed. "Thank you for reassuring me, Seb." You said, hugging him.

"For Pete's sake, Shane." You groan, putting the toilet seat down again, and refilling the empty toilet paper dispenser. (Yes, it's petty, but it's Shane! He's already trying his best at everything else in life, let him be mostly good at love!)

"Elliot, it is 2:30 in the morning! Put the book down and go to sleep!" "I'm reading, Love." "Out loud! Please, could you not?!" You said, reaching over him to turn off the bright as heck reading light that was shining in your face.

You don't snore. Never have. Just because your mouth falls open when your asleep doesn't mean you sound like a pig at night. You're just one of those people needs to breathe when your heart rate is at its slowest. Apparently, Harvey thinks that this is snoring, though. "Darling, you really need to see about that snoring problem." Now, on its own, you consider this to be extremely annoying because you're always having to remind him that you don't just die when you fall asleep, therefore breathing is still necessary. But to add to the whole thing, you actually have video evidence of Harvey snoring!

(A/N: Two a day for two days! I'm on a roll here, people!)

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