~Pet Names~

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He likes to call you 'Hot stuff', 'Babe', 'Gorgeous', the usual. But ever since he realized that you liked it when he called you 'Farm Girl', he almost started using that more than your actual name. You call him 'Babe', 'Handsome', and your favorite response to 'Farm Girl' is 'Tough Guy'.

He calls you 'Pretty Girl' a lot. And you call him 'Skater Boy' in return.

He's not that into pet names, but upon occasion, he'll call you 'Sweetheart'. You call him 'Seb', or occasionally 'Sebby'.

Nope. No nicknames here. He's not into being called anything in place of his own name, because he just feels like that's the word that sounds best coming from your mouth. And there are too many things to describe how perfect you are without sounding sappy and pitiful.

With Elliot being Elliot, you're almost certain that he has a mile-long list of pet names for you somewhere. Many of them hail from something found in the Renaissance Era or earlier. 'Goddess', 'Muse', 'Princess', 'Beloved', 'Angel mine', you name it. All the while you call him 'love' and upon occasion 'Noble Gentleman'.

He'll call you 'my dear', and you'll call him 'Doc'.

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