35: the holiday party

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It was more than freezing outside, the temperature dropping to lows that I never dared to walk outside into. On these days, I would've just curled up in bed with a pot of freshly brewed tea, pulled a table up to the side of my bed, and worked on homework or read books until well past midnight.

I liked it when it was quiet and when no one was there to disturb me. Because at school, Mina would find every way to make my life miserable, and outside, there were too many ghosts for me to handle. I never really thought about it too much, but I must have been such a shut-in for years, not even realizing how lacking of a social life I had until now, not that it mattered to me. They said humans are social animals, craving some kind of affection or attention, but I didn't think it should be to that extreme.

Now, I understood that the company was nice, but I didn't necessarily think someone had to go out frequently to be satisfied. In any case, I didn't have a choice as to if I wanted to go to this party or not.

Pulling Raphael's blazer closer to my body, I fought off the overwhelming feeling to just go back home. Being wrapped up like a pretty velvet present, four-inch heels pinching at my toes was not comfortable at all. I was the one who said it'd be awkward if Raphael had to stand next to someone as short as I was, but now I was regretting my decision.

"What's wrong, darling?" Crimson eyes slid over to where I was, watching as I tugged on the high collar of my dress.

"I feel... very out of place," I answered. "And very uncomfortable."

"Is it because of the shoes? Would you like to trade?"

I pressed my lips together, the humor from his words lost in my nervousness. "I'll live, hopefully."

When we reached the entrance, I pulled my student ID out, handing it to the teacher on duty. I slid my arm around Raphael's, pulling him a little closer. "He's with me, by the way."

Nodding, she checked off my name in the long list in front of her, then handed my card back with a smile.

Okay. It's just an end-of-term party, nothing else. All I had to do was survey the area until I saw something out of place, hope it was Orias, bring him someplace far from the students, then do what I've always done to the cursed toys. But the thing was, I was more scared of possible interaction with people who might recognize me than facing Orias himself.

"Darling," Raphael whispered, tugging on my arm. He undoubtedly knew my mind was far away from this actual place, wandering somewhere in my worries and getting stuck neck-deep in them.

I licked my lips, closing my eyes for a brief moment before letting out a breath of air.

When I push the doors open, warmth inviting me into an auditorium full of students, I feel myself gradually relax, the tense line of my shoulders breaking. The constant chatter makes me feel a little better; silence was never something I liked unless I wanted to be by myself at home. No one seemed to catch notice of us yet, so I took this chance to escape to the dessert bar and out of the center of the entrance.

But when I took my first step forward, heel clicking on the linoleum floor, my shaking legs manage to screw everything up. And like the horribly clumsy person I was when I was nervous, I started to pitch over, eyes widening.

Raphael's arm tightened around mine as his other hand gripped my shoulder, holding me up as I regained my balance. A few eyes finally wandered our way, heads turning just slightly from conversation in curiosity.

My heart was pounding in my chest, the sound deafening to my ears as I literally turn completely around, back facing the students as I hide from their gaze.

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