Chapter 1

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"Why do you have to be so worthless?"

"Why do you have to be a bitch?" I retorted. She looked at me with pure anger. She walked away probably to go be a slut. If you're wondering who that was, it was Kalea VenHan. She is a huge slut in our pack. Pack? If you're wondering, we are werewolves. Yes, the part human part wolf, we can transform whenever we want. My names Brandi, Brandi Blayne. My friends call me Andi. I am 18 years old and I thought my life would be normal until one day the Alpha of all Alpha's came to our pack.

"What are you going to wear since the Alpha King is arriving soon?" asked my best friend Kacia.

"I was thinking just a pair of skinnies with a crop top."

"What?! You can't wear that!" And with that she went to my closet and pulled out one of my blue dresses.

"Oh, come on I'm not wearing that!"

"Oh yes you are, now put it on." And so, I did and she did my hair and makeup.

"There I'm all finished."

"Wow I look good!"

"Ok, now let's go he'll be here any minute." We started walking to the meeting hall.

"Why do I have to go again?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Because you are the Alphas daughter."


"Just come on."

We walked in and the hall was filled with the whole pack plus some. I wasn't surprised by the number of wolves because me being an Alpha's daughter and next in line to be Alpha, I meet lots of our kind. As I walked through the crowd I smelt the most amazing scent. "You smell that?" I asked Kacia.

"Smell what?"

"That scent it smells like rain mixed with mint, it's amazing."

"Your mate is here." She exclaims. I was excited by that.

"Andi, Kacia, over here." I heard my dad yell. We pushed our way over to him.

"Wow, you look Beautiful my love." Exclaimed my father.

"Why thank you kind Sir." I said while laughing. I could feel power coming into the room. All sound stopped and all heads dropped.

"Thank you all for coming, you may be seated Alpha's and family's." Said the sexiest voice ever. We took our seats and looked up. "Now as you all know my twin brother Xavier found his mate Madeline. She prefers to be called Maddie. Now I have yet to find my mate but she is in this room. So any unmated females of age that feels like their mate is in this room come forward."

Kacia mind linked me, "Go" "Nobody tells me what to do" and with that I blocked her out.

"Now some of my men feel as if their mate is here. They will find you. And I WILL find you my little mate." He finished looking straight at me. As he walked toward me the unmated females flung themselves at him but he never took his beautiful forest green eyes off of mine. When he was directly in front of me is what shocked me the most. The Alpha King kneeled right in front of me. All noise stopped.

"My little mate why did you not come forward."

"I am the Alpha's daughter soon to be Alpha, of the second strongest pack. I don't take orders."

"Little Mate, I will love and cherish you. You will be my Luna. I will never do anything to hurt you and I will devote my life to protect you. You will be a great Luna Queen." And with that he kissed me. And to my surprise I responded and claps were echoing all around the room.

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