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Jinyoung was on his way home after a long day at University; everything had changed when he got accepted into Seoul University for the degree of veterinary medicine. First, he left home and had to move to another city to live in a little apartment near to the campus, he was lucky enough to have a scholarship, which allowed him not worrying about paying bills. After a month of living in the city and getting used to its pace with Mark's help, everything was more comfortable; Mark was a quiet and smart student, so they like to study together because of its convenience for them.

While walking, he saw a little kitty with its left leg injured. The cat was whining in pain, Jinyoung's heart hurt thinking about leaving the cat there, so he took the little kitty in his arms and tried to ease his pain, taking him home.

When Jinyoung arrived at the apartment, he took care of the leg, cleaning it with his first aid kit and then he fed the cat with some milk on a plate. The kitty was happily drinking his milk while the boy searched on the internet about the cat. Jinyoung discovered that the little cat was a Savannah cat, an active and faithful breed, like a dog, and he enjoyed himself watching videos about these cats.

"It won't be easy take care of you," Jinyoung smiled as the cat got closer to him with difficulty because of his bandaged leg, trying to climb to the sofa next to the boy. Jinyoung put the cat on his lap while petted his little head and neck "You can stay until you get better, I will take care of you." Jinyoung smiled without stop petting the cat.

That night Jinyoung fell asleep on the sofa with the animal on his lap and the laptop next to him, he didn't want to wake up his new roommate, who was placidly purring.

In the morning, the cat looked more cheerful, meowing for food, and licking Jinyoung's face to wake him up. When the cat succeeded and woke up the boy, this got off from Jinyoung's lap and walked to the plate from last night and started meowing again in front of it. Jinyoung got up and follow him, giving him more milk, and then he began to prepare himself something to eat, he had classes in the afternoon, so Jinyoung made some revisions, he studied and took care of the cat, who was sitting next to him.

Before Jinyoung left the house, he made sure to leave enough milk for the cat and changed the bandage, telling the cat to be careful with his leg, and biding a bye while he heard the meowing.

Jinyoung met Mark on his way to University, he found the boy concentrated on his phone answering some texts. Smiling to the older he started to talk about his new roommate; they decided to go together to get pet food for his cat, and Mark's dog. The day passed smoothly, he took notes and chatted with Mark during classes, also he asked his professor if it was necessary to bring the cat to the vet showing him some of the pictures that he took of the injury. He felt relief when he told him the excellent job, he did bandage the cat, and it was no necessary to bring it to the vet. Jinyoung finished his classes, and with Mark, they head to the market to buy the necessary thing for their pets, food, and some toys for the cat.

When Jinyoung got home, he found the cat sleeping in his bed on his clothes, he went to the kitchen and left a plate full of cat food and next to it some toys with a black cat collar to recognize the cat.

While he did his food, the cat showed up in the kitchen stretching his legs while he walked directly to his milk plate, the cat smelled the food inside the plate, and walked away meowing towards Jinyoung trying to get his attention. The black-haired boy petted the cat's head and took the plate closer to the cat.

"Please, eat something buddy, you can't just drink milk," Jinyoung begged him, who ate unwillingly, and then he started to play with a fish toy that the boy bought him "I should name you; we are roommates now." He looked at how the cat seemed to enjoy too much hitting the toy with his right leg.

While Jinyoung ate his ramen, he thought about a good name, he tried several of them, but the cat ignored him, making him think harder. He took the collar and put it around the cat's neck; then he turned on the laptop to start doing his assignments with the cat keeping him company and the TV sounding in the back.

He took a break to watch a variety show that was on the TV when the cat climbed on his laptop pressing random keys of the keyboard.

"Get down from there," Jinyoung said, and he felt relieved as he saw that the cat didn't delete anything. Jinyoung read a couple of consonants that didn't belong to his assignment "JB" he whispered, and the cat meowed as an answer "Do you like that name?" another meow was heard making Jinyoung smile and petted the animal's head.

He ended his assignment after long hours, feeling tired. He walked to his bathroom to take a quick shower and fell asleep in his bed trying to rest the hours left that he had. After a minute, JB climbed on the bed making noise with the little bell attached to his collar, and he snuggled next to Jinyoung's body searching for warmth in the cold night.

In the morning, the temperature dropped drastically, so Jinyoung turned on the calefaction and heated the milk for JB, which was soundly sleeping on the bed; Jinyoung knew that he was spoiling the cat too much. He couldn't help falling for the meows and purring from the happy cat. JB stepped into the room rubbing himself against Jinyoung's legs, the cat purred as soon as he saw his milk, he drank it and went to play with his fish toy, Jinyoung changed the bandage and JB listened to him intently.

"In a month, your leg should be better." After finishing the bandage, he petted the feline and waved a goodbye heading to his classes.

_bobby_melody thank you so much for allowing me to do this ❤️❤️❤️ 

If you find any grammar mistake, please don't doubt telling me (but kindly)  

Have a wonderful weekend. 

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