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JB was walking behind Jinyoung, who was cleaning the apartment, and the cat wasn't too much help leaving his toys everywhere. At least it was Saturday, and he had time to clean.

Mark was soon to arrive with his dog; he must leave some space in the living room for the dog's bed. While Jinyoung was eating breakfast -even if was past midday- the doorbell sounded. Mark arrived with a happy Jackson, which ran into the apartment barking, waking JB up from his nap.

Mark just stayed for a couple of minutes leaving a bag and Jackson's bed, following Jinyoung indication of moving it in the living room, and JB got on it at the moment it was put on the floor with the intention to make angry the dog. Mark gave everything to Jinyoung, reminding him about Jackson's walking and food schedules.

"Jackson, be a good boy, Jinyoung will take care of you these few days," Mark said petting Jackson's head, looking into those brown eyes "Remember, this is JB house, don't bother him, and share your bed with him. I will reward you." Mark said seeing JB on Jackson's bed; he kissed the dog head and left home.

Jinyoung sighed looking Jackson whining in front of the door "Don't worry buddy, he will come back for you, I promise, but I will take care of you by the moment." Jinyoung said with a soft tone, trying to calm the dog, while fixed the things that Mark brought in the kitchen. When the dog was calmer, Jinyoung left home to buy some things to prepare lunch and dinner, he wanted to make something special for Jackson, so this will feel more comfortable, but he can't leave JB aside, or this will be jealous.

"You heard, Mark will come for you," JB meowed from Jackson's bed "Now you are in my house, you must obey me as Mark told you."

"Yes, I will do whatever you want JB," the dog barked getting close to the cat "I will be the loyalist dog in this home."

"Good boy," JB meowed "how old are you? Flea." JB asked

"Mark takes care well of me; I don't have any flea!" Jackson defended himself "I'm 23 human years old."

"You must call me hyung, I'm a year older than you," JB smirked; maybe it wasn't a bad idea having the dog there.

Jackson came to invade his territory and disrupt his peace, but if this makes everything that he wants, It won't be that bad. JB knew that Jackson was a half-blood like him by his smelling.

JB or Lim Jaebeom was a half-blood, one of the few numbers existing, his story start years ago before being conceived, like most of half-blood, his grandmother was cursed by a spirit of a small temple in a little town in South Korea. The curse said the first born boy of each generation would be connected with the animal adored in that place, allowing him to shift in that form as he wanted when he would be older enough to control those changes.

JB end up being the first boy, and the animal was a cat, his parents knew about the story, so they raised and educated the boy with so much love, they teach him to control his shifts until he was an expert. He was an easy going boy until the animal spirit hit his soul and he became arrogant, but that wasn't the only problem, when he got older, he started to be more sexual, having different girls every day, even cheating the girl of the day.

When he was older enough, he left his home to move to Seoul and start University, but a fight with some stray dogs in his cat form left him injured, and his accurate owner found him. He decided to stay with the boy until he heals his leg; well that was the original plan. Now he was so comfortable with the human that takes care of him, that being in his animal form wasn't that bad.

Jinyoung arrived with the groceries and began to cook the food for the pets, soon after the walking time for Jackson came. Jinyoung took Jackson for a walk, following Mark's instructions he went to the nearest park and played with him. JB was in the apartment's window looking Jinyoung play happily with the dog. The cat was jealous; the dog wasn't stealing just Jinyoung attention, but also his time with him.

Jinyoung arrived exhausted, he didn't run like that since years ago, the boy lied on the sofa and Jackson climbed next to him under JB's sight, the cat was plotting something, but the dog didn't know what.

"Jackson, do you want to have fun this night? I have never met a half-blood before," the cat meowed from the window "Jinyoung is a heavy sleeper." JB added.

"Are you sure? What happens if we get caught?" Jackson barked worriedly and got off from the sofa heading to the older.

"Nothing will happen, this boy never caught me. Pretend to sleep and then we can drink some beer." JB meowed.

"I trust you, hyung!" the dog barked as an answer, moving his tail.

As the cat said, Jinyoung went to sleep, and as always JB follows him to know when finally Jinyoung would fall asleep. He got up past midnight in his human form; he wore a pair of pants that borrowed from Jinyoung. He fixed his black hair and woke up the dog sleeping in the living room. He threw a pair of pants to Jackson, and this wore them, and as the older, he fixed his blonde hair.

"If Jinyoung caught us, will he kick us out?" Jackson asked.

"Don't worry, Jackson. I have been living here for a month; I know this boy and he sleeping pattern." JB calmed Jackson and threw him a can of beer, taking a seat in the sofa.

"Okay." The blonde whispered and drank his beer "Mark would never allow me to drink a beer at home." The younger said laughing.

"Of course, he thinks you are a dog; if he knew you are human, he probably would invite you some cans" JB smiled turning the TV on.

"Do you want to tell Jinyoung about your shifts?" Jackson asked curiously "Would he accept you?" the older drank his beer in silent thinking in the answer "Hyung! Answer me." Jackson said after a long silence.

"I would like telling him, I don't think he would take it badly, maybe he would be surprised, living with someone like us, it isn't normal," JB said quietly drinking his beer.

"Would Mark accept me or kick me out? What do you think?"JB sighed, the younger was talkative.

"He must accept you, you are his dog after all, and he is used to you," JB answered.

"It is true," the blonde answered with a smile, resting his head on the elder's shoulder "I'm happy to talk with you hyung, you are the first half-blood that I met, I'm happy to have someone with who share my worries," Jackson said.

"Finish your beer, it is time to sleep," the older say, he was happy to met someone with his same worries too, but if he keeps talking they can wake up Jinyoung, the younger finished the rest of the beer, it was pretty late to be up. JB took the pants that Jackson left after shift and discarded the cans. He went to the room without realizing that Jinyoung was sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes staring at his direction.


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