A beautiful love

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Jinyoung woke up that morning hugging the body tightly next to him; he was scared and trembling, the nightmare felt so real.

"Babe, what is going on?" JB asked leaving tender touches on Jinyoung's back trying to calm him.

"I had a nightmare, and it felt so real," Jinyoung whispered shaking.

"It was just a dream, try to stay calm, don't be scared baby," JB said with a smile and kissing Jinyoung's forehead, the younger boy nodded smiling and hugging tighter JB feeling his warm body.

When Jinyoung was calm they got up to eat breakfast, it was Saturday, so they were planning to have their first official date. Jinyoung was nervous, but with a silly smile on his face every time he looked at JB's eyes.

"Stop smiling in that way," JB said smiling in the same way.

"I'm happy to have a date with you," Jinyoung said smiling.

"One of the thousand coming, babe," JB said.

"Yeah, but this is the first one, so it is more special." Jinyoung laughed eating his toast.

"Very special, babe," JB answered laughing.

When they finished eating, they cleaned up and sat on the sofa to play some video-games, the movie would start in a couple of hours, so they have some free time to spent. They began to play and trying to distract the other kissing him or laying on him, they enjoyed seeing the other lose.

It was time to leave, so they took a shower and dressed casually. They walked to the cinema holding hands and talking about random things. It was clear the love they had for each other; it was reflected in their eyes. When they arrived, they bought the tickets, popcorn and some candies that Jinyoung chose.

The movie was an animated romantic film, Jinyoung chose it because he heard good comments about it, and even Mark and Sumi recommended him the movie. When the film started he felt chills on his back, it felt like a déjà vu of his nightmare, they both touched the other hand trying to get some popcorn like in his dream. Jinyoung tried to pay attention to the movie, so he forgot about his dream. He was enjoying the movie, laughing at the messages that the characters left every time they swap bodies.

When the movie finished, they left the cinema with a Jinyoung trying to wipe his tears; JB didn't cry. Smiling to each other they decided to eat in a place near to the theater, they asked for the menu and talked about the movie while enjoying their food. They decided to end the date in the park near the apartment where he used to take Jackson for his walks.

"I love this place," Jinyoung said holding JB's hand and guiding him to the riverbank "It is relaxing to watch the river flow,"

"It is just like you, calming and beautiful." JB smiled making Jinyoung blushed; JB always had that charm to surprise him and control every emotion with just one word.

They needed to hug and kiss limitless, the day was ending, and the sky was orange, it was the perfect moment to end their date. They stayed a couple of minutes watching the river flow, before going back home. When they were close to the apartment, JB got a call and told Jinyoung to go ahead and start to prepare some food because they were hungry and needed strength to end the day. Unwillingly Jinyoung went alone to the apartment and with a sick feeling in his guts; he walked thinking about the nightmare that he was almost forgetting.

"Jinyoung!" the yell made him look back just in the moment he was being pushed across the street and hearing a car braking. He fell on the ground with JB's body on his. "Are you crazy? You almost die," JB yelled again hugging the body under him.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Jaebeom I... I didn't want," Jinyoung barely could speak; he was crying and trembling in JB's arms. "I'm deeply sorry," Jinyoung repeated a couple of times hugging JB.

"It's okay babe. I'm not mad, okay? I was scared of something happening to you," JB tried to calm the boy "Let's go home and check if you are hurt." He helped Jinyoung to get up, and they walked home.

When they were in the apartment, and after JB checked Jinyoung, they started to talk.

"The nightmare that I had last night... I dreamt you were seriously hurt, like extremely hurt," Jinyoung whispered looking at his hands, and he started to cry "I cannot... I cannot see you hurt; I cannot lose you. I... I can't, and today I almost did," Jinyoung whispered in JB's neck "I'm so in love with you."

JB wiped his tears and smiled at the last sentence, he kissed his cheeks and then his lips "I love you too babe, don't be afraid. I will never leave your side, don't worry," he kissed Jinyoung again "I will be with you forever, Jinyoungie."

They started a passionate kiss, laying on the bed, while they took off their clothes and whispered love promises. They caressed the other body, enjoying the moment together.

Their bodies shared the love a couple of times that warm night, remembering every moment they spent together since their first love night, laughing and caressing the other back they fell asleep with a smile on their faces. They were happy; they were delighted to have found the love of their lives.


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