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When Jinyoung's class ended he started immediately to text JB. Jinyoung needed to do an assignment with his group, and the only available house was Jinyoung's, so he accepted to do it at home.

Jaebeom, I need you to stay as a cat, today some classmates are going to the apartment to do an assignment.

Why should I? Just tell them I'm your boyfriend, the weather is so hot to be a cat. JB answered back.

Mark will be there too, and he will ask for you. Jinyoung smiled at the word boyfriend when he read JB's answer.

Okay... but you owe me one, and you know what I mean. Jinyoung sighed when he read the last sentence JB could be unpredictable, even when the answer was explicit, JB could change his mind at the last moment.

Jinyoung waited for Mark and the group to walk together to home with some snacks and things to drink. When the group arrived, JB was staring angrily towards Jinyoung. He was going to take advantage of his cat form; even if he couldn't do a lot, he could walk freely in the apartment and bother Jinyoung for making him spend that hot afternoon wrapped on his fur.

Everyone sat on the floor working like the last time, but this time a little friend was asking for their attention, JB climbed on the table and walked in front of the screens making them laugh and caress his small head. Only one person ignored him, Sumi, the same girl who kissed Jinyoung and wore that disgusting perfume that filled the room.

JB walked between Jinyoung and the girl and sat on Jinyoung's lap to sleep there, once in a while Jinyoung caressed JB's belly and he purred back.

"Isn't it weird? JB is really attached to Jinyoung" Sumi said looking at the cat and trying to pet him but being rejected by the cat.

"Since Jinyoungie brought him, they have been inseparable, and when he disappeared, Jinyoung suffered so much" Mark laughed "JB can be very cute when he wants."

"He isn't normal after all" Jinyoung said joking.

"He doesn't seem normal," Sumi said looking at the cat that doesn't seem happy to be near her.

Every time the girl tried to talk or get closer to Jinyoung, the cat would meow or jump on Jinyoung marking his territory, things that made Jinyoung laugh. Jinyoung thought it so cute every action that JB did; it was an adorable way to show his jealous.

They worked fast; they divided the assignment, so everyone had a part to do. jinyoung and his classmates were checking their progress at the moment, asking their doubts, they worked well together. When they finished, they took a rest and started to talk about random things. Mark spoke about Jackson while Jinyoung spoke about his trip to Jeju Island and the places that he visited there. Sumi listened to every word Jinyoung said trying to participate in the conversation; she said that she knew the island too, making more obvious her attraction for Jinyoung.

Everyone was leaving past midnight, JB was sleeping on the sofa intentionally on the girl's things, he wanted to trigger her, and he was achieving his goal. Sumi had to move JB waking him up because she needed to take her stuff to leave, the cat reluctantly walked away following with his eyes every move made by the girl, the way she said goodbye and especially that kiss in the corner of Jinyoung's lips.

When the home was empty, the older boy went to the bathroom to change his form and take a bath ignoring Jinyoung.

"Jaebeom, are you mad?" Jinyoung asked outside of the bathroom door "You know I don't like her, so don't be mad."

"I'm not mad about her, I'm mad because my boy couldn't say that he has a boyfriend" JB said leaving the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his wet hair.

"I want to say it, but Mark will ask me about you and JB the cat" Jinyoung answered following JB "This isn't something easy to understand."

"Mark will understand, he has Jackson" JB wore his pajamas and went to the living room to watch TV.

"Jackson? Why are you bringing his dog into the conversation?" Jinyoung asked and sat next to JB to hold his hand "Is it Jackson like you?" Jinyoung's face reflected the shock of acknowledging about Jackson "Why didn't you tell me? I had rights to know about this" Jinyoung argued letting go of JB's hand and pouting.

"Don't try to distract me. It isn't our business, it is theirs" JB said bothered watching TV "Why haven't you told Mark that you have a boyfriend?"

"Well, you haven't asked" Jinyoung simply answered."Is it that the reason?" JB asked frowning, he took Jinyoung's face with both hands and left kisses on it "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" JB asked.

"Of course I want" Jinyoung answered nodding quickly, he wrapped his arms around JB's neck and kissed his lips getting their bodies closer "I love you Jaebeom" Jinyoung smiled caressing his cheek.

"I love you baby" JB laughed giving Jinyoung his phone "Now tell Mark about your boyfriend" JB smiled again and started to watch TV laying his head on Jinyoung's lap and Jinyoung started to text Mark laughing at the answers that he was receiving from Mark.



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