Lets Talk (A/N)

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OMG DID YOU WATCH SEASON 8? If you haven't, skip this section. I'm talking about everything in season 8

Let's start with this: I feel so much more for Lotor. He was basically a product of unhealthiness and that tore him. But baby Lotor is so cute! I honestly feel bad for making him a villain in my book because he definitely deserved better.

Shiro finally got the romance he deserved. Space dad

AND KEITH MY BOI has grown up! He's matured so much and the way he led his team just was like Shiro. In so proud

HUNK has achieved so much. I'm so proud of him

Pidge didn't die! YAY! But man had Pidge grown in the series and the ending for her seemed fit.

Side note: Is it me or does Matt get more attractive and changes his hairstyle every time I see him?

Now let's talk about Allurance. At first, I hated the idea but after seeing Allura die and him growing up just broke me. I was really beginning to love Allura and then she DIED. She did not get the happy ending she deserved but I was happy to see her reunited with her father. But Lance and the way he grew from it I'm just so happy.

Now for Honerva. She's an amazingly built antagonist like I'm so impressed. I definitely predicted season 8 would focus on her but like the plot and everything associated with her was just done so well. I was happy too when she finally got to reunite with her family again.

AXCA MY QUEEN! Fierce and kind this girl had grown up and I just love it.

I also love the inclusion of the Garrison members

Overall there are only a few things I would change. I didn't like how Hunk brought an energy source into a battle. I thought that wasn't smart. I also didn't like the filler episodes I would have liked more development in characters. I also wished there were more relationship moments between Shiro and Keith because I felt that was lacking in comparison with the other ones. Otherwise, the ending was a beautiful way to say goodbye.


As for the story: I am now coming up with ideas on how to end the book but  I've finally decided and so the rest of the parts will be released some point this week to celebrate the parting of Voltron. Thank you for those who've been reading this book! Arielle will grow

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