Full name: Skylar Katherine MoonlarkAge: 14(TRTHTM), 15(DbFoA)
Birthday and Zodiac: November 8th - Scorpio (is the younger twin of her and Tyler)
Nickname(s): Sky, Moony,
Best friend(s): Ashlyn(Ash), Vylad, Laurence, Max, Tyler, Taylor, Isabella, Gabriella,
Favorite color: Sky Blue
Strengths: is loyal, will do anything to protect people she cares about,
Weaknesses: will do anything to protect people she cares about, has trouble controlling demi-god powers, temper, holds grudges,
Fears: heights, drowning, hurting people with her powers, (later)Willow,
Medieval Status: Princess of Silverden, Rebel Leader-The Moonlark
Godly Parent: Hades
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Demon or Angel: Angel
Extra Info:
My Cast
AcakThis is my cast for pretty much all of my fanfics and stories. Whenever I mention My Cast this is what I am referring to.